Last modified: 2019-08-18
The writing of a dissertation and its elaboration must be akin to research work, and must meet the fundamental requirement of an appropriate methodology. The choice and the writing of the title remain a key element. The latter is always read first and has a role of attraction and selection.
He must announce the content of the article with the maximum of precision and brevity. The aim of the work is to contribute to improving the quality of the scientific medical writing of dissertations at the Faculty of Medicine of Sétif, in terms of choice and writing the title.
Material and methods:
This is a comparative survey type "before-after" that focuses on the study of the quality of scientific medical writing of 120 dissertations before and after a training session in the field, at the Faculty of Medicine of Sétif.
The title of the dissertation was incomplete and uninformative for 81.7% of cases with frequent omission of items other than the subject of the study with an average number of words of 12.
The comparison by academic year did not show a statistically significant difference either for the complete and informative nature, for the proportions of omitted elements, or for the number of words.
According to the department of realization, the complete and informative titles were significantly more frequent in the pharmacy department (OR = 4.8, 95% CI = 1.1 - 22.0) with the place and the period of study more frequently specified (p <5%).
However, shorter titles were observed in the Department of Dentistry with an average of nine words and statistically lower than that of the pharmacy department (13 words) (p <5%).
Discussion - Conclusion:
If there was no difference observed before and after the training session, the diversity of results according to the department of realization of the dissertation can be explained by the diversity of the teaching programs and the nature of the dissertations, for the most series' studies at the pharmacy department.