UFAS1 PLATFORM EVENTS, The First Intercontinental Congress of Pediatric Urology

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Surgical treatment of epispadias
Boumediene ABOU-BEKR

Last modified: 2019-08-31


Introduction:  Epispadias is a rare malformation ; it "˜s defined by  the opening of the urethra on the dorsal face of the penis.According to the extended of  the malformation we can distinguish 3 types :  Balanic , penile , peno- pubic

Methods: The technique commonly recognized is the CANTWEL RANSLEYWe report   3  cases of epispadias having undergone a reconstruction according to CANTWEL RANSLEY  2 cases balanic and 1 peno pubien

Results: The immediate post operative evolution was good with a pendulum aspect of the penis and the absence of fistula .

Conclusion: The CANTWEL RANSLEY has the advantage of correcting the twist of cavernous bodies and giving back a normal aspect to the penis which leads to a positive impact on the micturition . However a good mstary of the technique is necessary.