, La 1ère Ecole d’Automne sur les Matériaux Emergents(EAME)

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Structural and Magnetic properties of CoPd thin films evaporated under vacuum Onto Si (100) substrate

Dernière modification: 2017-11-19


Thin films of CoPd alloy have been deposited by thermal heating process under vacuum onto Si(100) substrate. Before evaporation the base pressure in the chamber was 10-7 mbar. During evaporation, the working pressure was better than 10-6 mbar. The thickness ranges from 50 to 220nm and were measured with a DEKTAK 150 profilometer.The atomic concentration was determined by EDX measurements. Microstructural properties were studied using XRD measurements. The hysteresis loops of the films have been performed by means of vibrating sample magnetometer(VSM). All the samples present a hexagonal close packed structure (hcp ) structure.The hysteresis loops display magnetisation curves for ferro-magnic samples with a planar anisotropy.Coercive field values are confined between 19 and 159Oe and the thickness dependence of in plane squarness showed a similar trend with corresponding coercivities. All these results are analyzed and correlated.

Keywords: Thin films; Hysteresis curves; X-ray diffraction; vibrating sample magnetometer (V.S.M).