UFAS1 PLATFORM EVENTS, International Conference on Materials Science ICMS2018

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Investigation of corrosion inhibition effect of vitamin B1 on copper in 1M HNO3 solution: electrochemical study and surface analysis
Amel Sedik

Last modified: 2018-07-30


Corrosion prevention systems favor the usage of chemicals with low or no environmental impacts.

In this content, the usage of some of the inhibitors has been restricted due to the toxicity, and their insufficient inhibitory efficiencies at low dosages. Therefore, the studies have begun to focus on finding novel, cheap, non-toxic, healthy and extracted from natural foods. VitB1 molecule contains many π electrons as well as one oxygen, one sulphur, and four nitrogen atoms which are assumed to be adsorption centers. The presence of such adsorption centers in the molecular structure is expected to cause an easier electron transfer from the functional groups to the metal surface which provides greater adsorption ability and corrosion inhibitory efficiency.

Due to its unique advantages, which are describes above, the VitB6 was investigated as potential corrosion inhibitor for copper which are widely used in industrial applications as and could exposed to corrosion medium. For this aim, potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and linear polarization resistance techniques were used.  Surface of the metal exposed to corrosive medium was investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM).

It was found that the VitB1 provided satisfactory inhibition on the corrosion of copper and the inhibitory efficiency of this compound depends on its concentration. The high inhibition efficiency was explained by adsorption of the VitB1 molecules on the copper surface and a protective film formation. The results obtained by SEM and AFM confirm the results obtained previously.


key words: Corrosion , copper, Vitamin B1, SEM