Last modified: 2018-07-25
In the present work, multilayered CuO-Cu2O/ZnO thin films have been deposited layer by layer onto glass substrates by sol–gel spin coating method. Zinc acetate dihydrate, copper chloride dihydrate, Ethanol and monoethanolamine (MEA) were used as a precursors, solvent and stabilizer respectively. For both solutions, the molar ratio of MEA to metal ions was maintained at 1.0 and a concentration of metal ions is 0.6 mol.L-1. The structural information of different metal oxides and their crystallite size, preferential orientation were estimated via XRD. Optical and luminescence properties of the multilayered films were investigated by UV-Vis spectrometry and PL spectroscopy techniques. The obtained results of all thin films are discussed in detail and are compared with other experimental data.
Keywords: Sol–gel technique; Zinc Oxide thin film; Copper Oxide; Structural properties; Optical properties; Luminescence
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