Last modified: 2018-07-23
Nowadays, the nanotechnology has been used in many applications includes ferrofluids, catalysts, biological and chemical water pollution and so on [1, 2]. The main task of this study is to elaborate the nano-particles of iron oxide by the sol-gel method, which has already proved to be an effective and economical way of fabrication. The samples have been characterized by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) using CuKα radiation of copper (λCuKα = 1.5418 and identification of the existing phases was carried out with the help of JCPD-ICDD data file [3].
The analysis of the XRD patterns was presented in the Figure, show that the majorities of the identified peaks assimilate to the hematite (α-Fe2O3) phase, besides of the grain size of the nano-particles was determinated according to Scherer's law.
[1] T.K.Kundu, M.Mukherjee, D.Chakravorty, Journal of Materials Science ,33(1998) 1759 -1763.
[2] Saber Ahmed, M.G.Rasul, Wayde N.Martens, R.Brown, M.A.Hashib, Desalination, 261(2010) 3-18.
[3] PDF-2 Database 47 6A JUN 97 JCPD-ICDD USA, 1997.