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MANSOURI, mouloud, Département génie civil,Université Sétif 1, Algérie.
MANSOURI, Taki Eddine Mohammed, Laboratory of Materials Technology, Faculty of Mechanic and Engineering Processes, USTHB, BP 32, El-Alia, Bab-Ezzouar, 16111 Alger, Algeria.
Mansouri, Yakout, Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Study of Materials (LEPCM), Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Banta1, 05000, Algeria.
Maouche, Hichem, Welding and NDT Research Centre (CRTI ex CSC), P.O.Box 64 Cheraga 16014,Algerie
Maouche, Naima, <p><em>Département  Département de chimie industrielle, Université de Sétif, Laboratoire D'électrochimie Organique Et De Catalyse Redox (LEOCR) Sétif, Algérie.</em></p>

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