Last modified: 2019-08-31
Introduction : the ureterocele is a pseudo-cystic dilatation of the lower end of the ureter is most often encountered in the context of duplicity in the child to the depent of the upper pyelon is orthotopic or ectopic
Methods : this is a 12-month-old girl who consults in emergency for a smooth cystic formation exteriorized through the urethral meatus performing ureteral prolapse. The introduction of a urinary catheter makes it possible to reduce prolapse spontaneously. A series of examinations were performed, namely UIV UCR ultrasound and scintigraphy, which confirms the diagnosis of an ectopic ureterocele on ureteral duplication with an altered upper left lobe, which indicated that we performed a superior polar nephrectomy.
Results : was very favorable with disappearance of the pain and signs of urinary infection nevertheless after one month there was reappearance of ureteral prolapse which gene the patient which necessitated a therapeutic complement namely ureterocelectomy plus ipsilateral reimplantation and repair of the bladder floor. The immediate evolution and tartive after 4 years is very favorable.
Conclusion: Management of secondary ureteral prolapse in an ectopic ureterocele in a girl must be rapid because infection and strangulation threaten . conservative or radical or endoscopic treatment depends on several factors. antenatal ultrasound should be the most common revealing circumstance.