UFAS1 PLATFORM EVENTS, The First Intercontinental Congress of Pediatric Urology

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Para-testicular Hemangioma in infant: case report
Senda Houidi

Last modified: 2019-08-30



Testicular neoplasia is the most common tumors that affect the scrotum and its contents. The para testicular localization represents 7% of the intra scrotal neoplastic , 70% of them are benign. Capillary hemangioma is a rare benign lesion in the testicle, particularly in pediatrics. We present the first case of right para-testicular hemangioma in a child.

Case Report

A two months baby boy referred to pediatric surgery with testicular asymmetry. He was otherwise asymptomatic. Examination of the external genitalia revealed a 2 cm, non-tender, mobile, firm, nodular mass above right testicle. The rest of the physical examination (including left testicle, spermatic cord, scrotum, penis, and abdomen) was normal. He was otherwise asymptomatic. Scrotal ultrasound revealed a large inguinoscrotal hernia with a mass independent from right testis. It was moderately echogenic and hyper vascular lesion measuring 2.1 x 1.8 cm with a normal-appearing testicular parenchyma.

The patient underwent right radical orchiectomy. There was a well-circumscribed mass measuring 2 x 2 cm.

A fresh-mount-microscopic study showed a blue cells tumor with hyper-vascularity, however the histologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of benign para testicular hemangioma.

Actually, the patient is aged 6 years old, there is no loco-regional recurrence.




Finding a mass in a child raises concern for malignancy, but the most para testicular masses are thought to be benign. This highlights the need for consideration of this entity in children with a para-testicular mass showing hyper-vascularity on imaging.

Type: poster