Last modified: 2019-08-30
Granulosa cell tumor of the testis is a rare intermediate stromal cell tumor that can be distinguished in the adult and juvenile type. The juvenile type is the most common cause of scrotal swelling in newborns under the age of six months.
We report a case of a five- month-old infant. The physical examination showed a straight descended testis that was enlarged, smooth and firm on palpation and translucent on a light examination with no associated erythema or sensitivity. The left testis was descended and palpable without enlargement, and the penis was normal.
The laboratory findings demonstrated normal beta HCG and alpha fetoprotein. Scrotal ultrasound revealed a central tumor neoformation infiltrating the testis, measuring 19 * 21 * 25mm, well limited, with internal vascular flow.
An inguinal orchiectomy of the right testicle was performed.
A histological diagnosis of juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the testis was made without extension into the spermatic cord, Immunohistochemical stains were positive for inhibin, calretinin, CD99.
Since discharge, the patient has clinically done well without any symptoms or signs of recurrence.
This case demonstrate that juvenile granulosa cell tumor of the testis is a benign disease encountered in an infant and it exhibits an excellent prognosis.
Inguinal orchiectomy is the therapy of choice. After surgical removal of the involved testicle is performed, no further management is required.