Last modified: 2019-08-31
To illustrate the histopathological variability of benign testicular tumors, it is more convenient to define the clinical diagnosis, pathology and treatement of these rare tumors.
We report two cases. The first case is a 21-day-old infant with stiff upright testicle adhering to the scrotum without inflammatory signs. The radiological assessment showed a dual component formation of tissue and cystic paresis, with no separation between the gonad and the gonad. Tumor markers (alpha fetoprotein, BHCG) were negative. An enlarged orchidectomy was performed because the macroscopic disorganization of the mass and its adherence to surrounding structures (testis and scrotum).
The second case is a teenager admitted for an increased left volume purse without inflammatory signs, painless with positive transillumination. On ultrasound, the mass was 30mm, cystic and contiguous to the testicle. Tumor markers (alpha fetoprotein, BHCG) were negative. Complete resection of a encapsulated and vascularized formation was performed with conservation of the testicle by inguinal incision.
For the first patient the anatomopathological results favored a hamartomatous tissue formation.
The second patient presented a serous cystadenoma.
The histopatholgic polymorphism and the risk of malignancy despite the imaging performance, make radical surgical treatment the reference treatment with respect to para testicular tumors, as is the cases of our first patient, however, the macroscopic appearance in operation like Cystic unilocular formation indicates conservative treatment.