Last modified: 2019-08-31
To our knowledge hypertension in children with ureteropelvic junction obstruction has not been reported in the literature as an indication for surgery. In addition, there has been no systematic research into the effect of relief of obstruction on existing hypertension
This case confirm that ureteropelvic junction obstruction with hypertension diagnosed preoperatively, and how hypertension developed after relief of the obstruction
Report case:
13 year old girl presented with pain and tenderness in the left loin
The blood pressure was 14/09 and she is treated by Triatec and Loxen
Ultrasonography showed hydronephrosis on the left side due to pelvic ureteric obstruction with solitary kidney , Color Doppler showed a lower polar artery.
Preoperative TC99m labeled MAG3 renography with forced diuresis was classified 3 a according to O'Reilly classification.
Cystogram showed no reflux and complete emptying of the bladder
Renal arterial disease and urinary –tract infection was excluded as contributing causes for hypertension .We conclude that uni-hydronephrosis can lead to hypertension and renal failure by both inappropriate production of renin and water chronic.
A Hynes Anderson Pyeloplasty combined with transposition of a lower pole vessel was performed with a double j stent .
She became normotensive on the 5 th post operative day
Conclusion :
Early diagnosis and treatment are common factors shared by this case with the few reported cases in which hypertension associated with hydronephrosis has been alleviated by surgery.