UFAS1 PLATFORM EVENTS, The First Intercontinental Congress of Pediatric Urology

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New meatoplsty and glanuloplasty technic
tarek Boukesra, Ahmed Zulfiqar

Last modified: 2019-08-31


Hypospadias is a common urogenital malformation, occurring in 1/ 200 to 500 live birth which is characterized by an abnormal location of meatus in the ventral side of penis.

Repairing Hypospadias and choice of surgical technique adapted for every case remain the main challenge for pediatric urologist. It is classified to proximal, penile and distal. Distal hypospadias are the most frequent forms of hypospadias.  We report a new combined technic for repairing distal form.

Our technic is based on making a U incision around meatus and which extends to   glans wings. That incision is continuous with an incision around the penile shaft and   a polyglactin 6/0 is passed from the upper part of the U perimeatally four times around it to the  other upper part of the U,  and back from the glanular part external of the U , like a U stitch.  This technique was used for 30 cases, average age in surgery is 23 months . Mid time of surgery is 54 minutes with extreme from 37 to 74 minutes. Follow up is from 8 to 26 month, the median is 14 month. Only two fistula was observed.

This new technique of meatoplasty glanuloplasty can be used safely, easy and with good cosmetic and functionnaly result. Rate of complication isn't more than other techniques.