Last modified: 2019-09-02
Introduction :
The tubularized incised-plate urethroplasty (TIPU) and the dorsal inlay graft urethroplasty (DIGU) are two of the most commonly used techniques for hypospadias repair in children. However, there is a lack of consensus on which technique offers more favourable results.
To systematically compare the reported outcomes of TIPU and DIGU techniques in an effort to determine the procedure of choice in children undergoing primary hypospadias repair.
An electronic database search was conducted up to May 2018. Sources included Medline, Embase, Cochrane library, CINAHL, Web of science, Google Scholar, and grey literature. Selected studies compared operative complications of TIPU and DIGU in children. Secondary outcomes included standardized cosmetic scores and urinary flow studies. A meta-analysis of reported complications was performed using a randomeffects model.
Results :
Two randomized, two prospective, and two retrospective studies met the inclusion criteria. TIPU and DIGU were performed in 350 and 267 patients respectively. Pooled analysis did not demonstrate a significant difference regarding post-operative urethrocutaneous fistula, meatal/urethral stenosis, wound dehiscence, or total complications. Subgroup analysis according to hypospadias severity did not alter initial findings. Sensitivity analysis with exclusion of retrospective studies demonstrated a significant increase in postoperative meatal/urethral stenosis and total complications after TIPU. Most studies were of low methodological quality with a high risk of bias.
Conclusions :
There is no strong evidence to suggest that either technique offers more favourable outcomes. Until more robust randomized trials exist, decisions regarding the appropriate repair should be based on the surgeon's experience and outcomes.