Prof. Richard Edward Palmer Professor at Swansea University/Nanjing University United Kingdom h-index 60 Citations : 13800 AboutAt Cambridge: MA & PhD; 1851, Clare College & Royal Society Fellowships. At Birmingham: founded the UK's first nanoscience centre (1994). At Swansea: founded the Nanomaterials Lab (2017). Awards: IOP Boys Medal, dr. h.c. Hasselt University, BVC Yarwood Medal, EPSRC Fellowship. Fellow IOP, RSC, LSW. Published 400+ papers, >13,000 citations, h=58. 18 families of patent apps. Spin-outs: Inanovate, Irresistible Materials, Grove Nanomaterials. Editor in Chief, Advances in Physics: X (Taylor and Francis) and Frontiers of Nanoscience (Book Series, Elsevier) https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/r.e.palmer/ |
Prof. Chedly Tizaoui PhD Professor; Director of Water and Resources Recovery Research Lab at Swansea University United Kingdom h-index : 21 Citations : 1900 AboutFormer Portfolio Director of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.Specialist Subjects: Chemical Engineering, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Advanced Oxidation and Separation Processes, Ozone Systems, Nonthermal plasma water treatment and environmental remediation, Photocatalysis, Catalytic oxidation, UV, Micropollutants, Emerging Contaminants, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs), Chemical-free water treatment, Hybrid ozone/membrane systems, Circular economy.Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (FIChemE), Chartered Engineer (CEng), Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), and Member of the International Ozone Association (IOA)
https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/c.tizaoui/ |
Prof. Svetlana Ivanova Svetlana Ivanova Ph. D., Université de Strasbourg Professor (Associate) at Universidad de Sevilla Spain h-index : 37 Citations : 3600 |
Prof. Fatima Ammari Ph. D., Université de Strasbourg professor researcher in the Department of chemical process engineering, Ferhat-Abbas Sétif-1 University. h-index : 9 Citations : 381 |
Prof. Valérie Tschamber Professor at Université de Haute-Alsace France h-index : 22 Citations : 1500
Sujet : Etude des réactions de contact des hexanes et hexènes sur oxydes de tungstène massiques ou supportés sur alumine a.
Titre : Compréhension des phénomènes se produisant au sein des procédés de dépollution
https://www.gre.uha.fr/gre/equipe/valerie-tschamber/ |
Dr. Nabila Zouaoui Doctor of Engineering Université de Haute-Alsace France h-index : 9 Citations : 351 |
Prof. Renaud Cousin Professor at Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale (ULCO) France h-index : 28 Citations : 2300
Prof. Antonio Gil Professor at Universidad Pública de Navarra Spain h-index : 49 Citations : 8300 Doctor en Ciencias Químicas por la Universidad del País Vasco, es Catedrático en Ingeniería Química de la Universidad Pública de Navarra, institución a la que se incorporó en 1996 como Profesor Titular de Universidad del Departamento de Química Aplicada. https://www.unavarra.es/pdi?uid=1806 |