International Environmental Engineering Workshop IWEE22

Conference Archives


Auditorium Salah KERMI UFAS1


December 3, 2022 – December 4, 2022


Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University

جامعة فرحات عباس سطيف1

Faculty of  Technology




The Second International Workshop On Environmental Engineering (IWEE22)

December 03 &04, 2022 , Auditorium SALAH KERMI, UFAS1, Setif



The 2nd  International Environmental Engineering Workshop (IWEE2022) will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria,

Chemical and environmental engineering is a multidisciplinary branch of applied engineering consisting of the application of physical science (Chemistry & Physics), life sciences including water treatment with applied mathematics and economics to produce transform and use of water, materials, energy to protect the water and the environment. It is the applied engineering dealing with the treatment process of water and air.

The Second Environmental Engineering Workshop (IWEE2022) is to emerging technologies and scientific advancements in Chemical Engineering and its applications with an objective to encourage young minds and their research abilities by providing an opportunity to meet the experts in the field of Chemical Engineering, environment and water treatment. This conference (IWEE2022) provides an ideal platform for industrial practitioners and academia to keep up to date with current technology trends, interact with industry experts and network with peers.



In this context, 04 central themes will be discussed at this scientific event:



  1. Solid  state pollutants and recycling
  2. Advanced oxydation precssus in water treatment
  3. Environmental engineering and green materials
  4. Modeling and simulation processes in Environmental Engineering

To participate to our Workshop you are invited to registration  via our platform by creating a personal account on this web site.

You can download the abstract template and follow the instructions HERE

To make an Registration or Submit your contribution please click HERE


Selected papers will be published in one of these two journals:

1- Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences JMES, ISSN(Print): 2289-4659; e-ISSN: 2231-8380 (indexed by: Thomson Reuters /Scopus -Elsevier) : Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pekan, Pahang, MALAYSIA

2-Indonesian Journal of Materials Science, 1411-1098 (print), 2614-087X (online) : Center for Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, BATAN, Indonesia.


Abstract submission OCTOBER      31, 2022
Notification of acceptance NOVEMBER 12 ,2022
Confirmation of participation NOVEMBER 24 ,2022

The organizing committee has decided to postpone the dates for submissions  as follows:

November 06 th, 2022 Final extended abstract Submission Deadline



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