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maafa, said, université m'hamed bougara boumerdes (UMBB)


Maouche, Hichem, Welding and NDT Research Centre (CRTI ex CSC), P.O.Box 64 Cheraga 16014,Algerie
Medjber, Ali, Advanced Technologies in Mechanical Production Research Laboratory (LRTAPM), University Badji Mokhtar, 23000 Annaba, Algeria.
Mehar, Zohra, Institut de Maintenance et Sécurité Industrielle, Université d’Oran-2 Mohamed ben Ahmed
Mertani, Boubekeur Mohammed Bilel, <p>Laboratoire de Mécanique de Précision Appliqué (LMPA). Institut d’Optique et de Mécanique de Précision (IOMP). Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 (UFAS1).</p>
Messagier, meriem, laboratoire d'optique appliquée
MEZAGHCHA, Amine, Laboratory of Applied Precision Mechanics, Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Ferhat Abbes University Setif 1, 19000Sétif, Algeria
MIROUH, Kamel, Laboratory of Thin films and Interface, Exact Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, University of Constantine 1, 25000 Algeria.


mosbah, chayma, Les frères Mentouri Constantine University, Department of Electronics,Labouratory L.M.I,Constantine 25017-ALGERIA
moussaoui, amir, institue of optics and precision mechanics, Setif