1ST International Seminar Space syntax Theories and Applications

December 7, 2022 – December 8, 2022

University of Ferhat Abbas, Setif 1

The Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences

Laboratory of Housing and Environment

(Research team: Housing and Space Syntax)


The 1ST International Seminar:

Space syntax: Theories and Applications

December 07-08, 2022



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Honorary chairman of the Seminar: Pr. Mohamed El-Hadi LATRECHE

(Rector of the University of Setif 1)

President of the Seminar: Dr. Abdelhalim ASSASSI



Appel à Communication Poster (FR)  

إعلان الملتقى الملصق (عربي)


Fees of the participation:

  • Algerian research professors: 10 000,00 DA.
  • Foreign research professors: 150 EU.
  • Professionals: 15 000,00 DA.
  • Non-salaried PhD students: 5 000,00 DA.
  • The participation fees concern: coffee breaks, lunches, and seminar bag: bag, notebook, pen, badge, and certificate of participation.
  • Travel and accommodation will be the responsibility of the participants.
The responsibles of the International Seminar "Space Syntax: Theories and Applications" announce the extension of the deadline for receipt of abstracts until August 31, 2022.






Dear participant to ICMM2019

The final program of the conference is now available here.

The Abstract Book of the conference is now available here.


Cher participant í  l'ICMM2019, Le programme final de la conférence est maintenant disponible ICI .

Le recueil des résumés de la conférence est maintenant disponible ICI .



Posted: 2019-09-17
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