First International Workshop On Chemical Engineering(IWCE’17)

Ferhat ABBAS Sétif1 University

December 2, 2017 – December 3, 2017

The IWCE’17 is the first edition of the International Workshop on Chemical Engineering. It will be held at FERHAT ABBAS University Setif-1, Setif, Algeria.

This first edition is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor DJELLOULI Brahim, an ex-member of our Department and ex head of the Laboratory of Engineering Chemical Processes.

The Chemical engineering is a multidisciplinary field of applied engineering. It is an application of the physical science (Chemistry & Physics), life sciences including biochemistry with applied mathematics and economics. it is, simply, the applied engineering dealing with the production process of chemical and biochemical products.


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The conference 'Call of Paper' in word format

Down load the submission guide

Dear Abstract proposers

The Organizing committee of IWCE 2017 would like to thank all the people that submitted an abstract to take part in this workshop. We have received over 500 abstract proposals. It is therefore impossible to give a positive answer to all of you and this for organisational reasons, the workshop only lasts for two days, and for financial reasons.  The scientific committee of IWCE 2017 is still processing your abstract proposals and we hope to give you an answer in a very near future. We do apologize for this delay.

For the Organizing Committee




Important NEWS


Important NEWS :

For organizational reasons, the organizing committee had to postpone the dates of the conference to October 28 and 29, 2024.

Please take note.

Cordialy , the conference President


Posted: 2024-09-26 More...
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