Information For Authors

International Conference on the Relevance and Role of Digitalization Technologies



For authors (submitters) to the conference, please create an account, taking care to check only the author box in the account creation form.

Abstract followed by proposal (2 rounds of review required; first for abstract, secondfor proposal) :

In other words:

Round1, after creating an account as an author, connect to your account, click on new submission, indicate your choice of participation (ORAL - POSTER) in the comment field for the director, validate then fill in the fields of the title and that of the summary, and finalize your  abstract submission.You will receive a notification.

After first evaluation of the summary,you will receive a notification (  abstract accepted, revisions required or abstract declined ) .

Round 2:if you are selected ( proposal accepted) , all you have to do, is log in to your account, attach your complete article as an attach file and finalize the submission.