December 7, 2022 – December 8, 2022
University of Ferhat Abbas, Setif 1
The Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences
Laboratory of Housing and Environment
(Research team: Housing and Space Syntax)
The 1ST International Seminar:
Space syntax: Theories and Applications
December 07-08, 2022
Honorary chairman of the Seminar: Pr. Mohamed El-Hadi LATRECHE
(Rector of the University of Setif 1)
President of the Seminar: Dr. Abdelhalim ASSASSI
Appel à Communication Poster (FR)
إعلان الملتقى الملصق (عربي)
Fees of the participation:
- Algerian research professors: 10 000,00 DA.
- Foreign research professors: 150 EU.
- Professionals: 15 000,00 DA.
- Non-salaried PhD students: 5 000,00 DA.
- The participation fees concern: coffee breaks, lunches, and seminar bag: bag, notebook, pen, badge, and certificate of participation.
- Travel and accommodation will be the responsibility of the participants.
The responsibles of the International Seminar "Space Syntax: Theories and Applications" announce the extension of the deadline for receipt of abstracts until August 31, 2022.