Themes of the Chemical Engineering Workshop (IWCE’17) are emerging technologies and scientific advancements in Chemical Engineering and their applications. The workshop aim is to encourage young research students to share their work by providing them an opportunity to meet with the experts in the field of Chemical Engineering.
This workshop (IWCE’17) hopes to provide an opportunity for people working in industry and academics to keep up to date with current technology trends.
1- Catalysis
2- Biotechnology
3-Environment and green chemistry
4-Materials and nanomaterials
5-Modeling and simulation of processes
The official languages of the workshop are: English, French and Arabic.
The registration fees for one person (for one abstract only) include accommodation, workshop documents, program, book or CD of abstracts, admission to all scientific sessions, technical exhibition, coffee breaks and lunches.
A registration certificate is required for students for the IWCE’17 Conference
Down load the submission guide
Dear Abstract proposers
The Organizing committee of IWCE 2017 would like to thank all the people that submitted an abstract to take part in this workshop. We have received over 500 abstract proposals. It is therefore impossible to give a positive answer to all of you and this for organisational reasons, the workshop only lasts for two days, and for financial reasons. Â The scientific committee of IWCE 2017 is still processing your abstract proposals and we hope to give you an answer in a very near future. We do apologize for this delay.
For the Organizing Committee