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The 1st National Conference on Advanced Applications of Chemistry


September 2024

University Setif 1- Ferhat Abbas

Faculty of Sciences -Department of Chemistry


The 1st National Conference on Advanced Applications of Chemistry

NC2AC’24 18-19 September 2024



  • The 1st National Conference on Advanced Applications of Chemistry

    September 18, 2024 – September 19, 2024

    University Setif 1- Ferhat Abbas


    Faculty of Sciences -Department of Chemistry




    The 1st National Conference on Advanced Applications of Chemistry


    NC2AC’24 18-19 September 2024



    Prof. Mohammed El Hadi LATRECHE – Rector of the University

    Prof. Layachi LOUAIL - Dean of the Faculty of Sciences



    Prof. Souad DJELLALI

    Important Dates :

    Deadline for abstract submission: July 10th, 2024 July 25th, 2024.

    Notification of acceptance: July 31st, 2024.

    Confirmation of participation: Before September 5th, 2024.


    Conference languages :

    English, French

    For submission of abstracts please follow this link :




First conference on atomic and molecular collisions and their applications


25-26, 2024

Setif1 University Ferhat ABBAS


First Conference on ''Atomic and Molecular Collisions

: Theory and Applications

on September 25-26, 2024


  • First conference on atomic and molecular collisions and their applications

    September 25, 2024 – September 26, 2024

    Setif1 University Ferhat ABBAS


    First Conference on


    " Atomic and Molecular Collisions

    :Theory and Applications "


    on September 25-26, 2024


    Conference Room Mouloud Kacem Nait BELKACEM
    Setif, ALGERIA


    AMCTA1: Is a biannual conference to be held at Univesity Fehat abbas Setif1. It deals with physical and chemical phenomena induced in collisions of charged projectiles with atomic and molecular targets. The main goal of the conference is to enable the exchange of information between researchers in this field. Biomedical applications will be considered as a priority.


    Remark: To submit any paper to our Conference you are invited to registration  , by creating a personal account as an Author statut


    To download the submission Guide


    We are very pleased to announce that the abstract submission deadline for AMCTA1 2024 has been extended to 10th Sepember 2024

International Conference on Chemical Engineering for Oil and Gas Industry ICCE "24-OG


26-27, 2024

Setif 1 University Ferhat ABBAS

Faculty of technology


International Conference on Chemical Engineering for Oil and

Gas Industry ICCE "24-OGI


Mouloud Kacem Nait BELKACEM at 09h00

 For more details please follow this link :


  • International Conference on Chemical Engineering for Oil and Gas Industry

    November 26, 2024 – November 27, 2024

Les Dédales Des Addictions : Causes, effets et alternatives

March 05, 2024


Setif1 University Ferhat ABBAS

le Forum des Femmes de L'UFAS1

Organise Une journée d'étude et de vulgarisation intitulée

Les Dédales Des Addictions : Causes, effets et alternatives

le 05 Mars 2024 à l'auditorium

Mouloud Kacem Nait BELKACEM à partir de 09h00


  • Les Dédales Des Addictions : Causes, effets et alternatives

    March 5, 2024 – March 5, 2024


    Forum des Femmes de l’UFAS1



    Une Journée d'étude et de vulgarisation


    Causes, effets et alternatives

    Le  Mardi 05 Mars 2024 à partir de 09h00 du matin , auditorium Kacem Nait BELKACEM


    La problèmatique des addictions représente une préoccupation cruciale à l'échelle mondiale, y compris en Algérie.

    L'impact néfaste de ce phénomène sur la société algérienne, affectant l'ensemble de ces composantes, est indéniable.

    Dans le cadre d'une journée scientifique d'étude d'intérêt public, psychiatres, addictologues, psychologues , psychosociologues: autant de profils complémentaires et spécifiques dans leurs vocations et leurs approches du sujet, sont invités à informer, vulgariser et débattre de ce sujet qui touche notre société mettant en exergue la nécessité d'agir de manière préventive.

    L'objectif de cette initiative est en premier comprendre le phénomène des addictions en explorant ses aspects physiologique, neurobiologiques, psychologiques et sociaux, et ensuite de sensibiliser et d'alerter sur ce sujet, en abordant divers troubles, dépendances, méthodes de traitement et en particulier de la prévention.

    Les intervenants, présenteront des approches basées sur leurs travaux théoriques et confrontations à la réalité du terrain.

    L'accent est mis sur la nécessité de fournir des outils et des ressources pour lutter contre l'addiction, tout en soulignant l'importance de ne pas rester seul face à ce défi.

    Le forum des femmes, de l'université Sétif 1 Ferhat Abbas, s'engage comme a son habitude dans des initiatives visant à promouvoir le bien-être au sein de l'université et dans la société.

    Au cours de cette démarche, nous aborderons divers aspects de ce sujet, tels que les troubles comportementaux, les dépendances sous différentes formes, et explorerons d'éventuelle méthodes proactives de prévention ainsi que des alternatives et traitements potentiels.



    Nous avons tenté de réunir différents acteurs et profils du champ des addictions pour :

    • Identifier et comprendre le phénomène d'addiction, le cerner et l'expliquer d'une manière professionnelle
    • Éclairer sur l'addiction et ouvrir les mentalités sur les nouveaux types tel que l'addiction au numérique qui sévit d'une manière sournoise
    • Évaluer l'état des addictions, notamment au niveau local en dressant un constat de la situation (chiffres, statistiques, témoignages...) des risques et des dommages causés par les addictions
    • Présenter les différentes approches thérapeutiques disponibles pour traiter les personnes souffrant d'addictions, y compris les approches médicales, psychologiques et sociales
    • Explorer les conséquences sociales, économiques et législatives des addictions
    • Permettre aux professionnels de partager leurs expériences et leurs meilleures pratiques dans le domaine de la prévention et du traitement des addictions.

    Pour bien étoffer cette journée, nous avons opté également pour l'élaboration d'un sondage en ligne,accessible ici pour essayer de mieux comprendre les différentes facettes des addictions et leurs implications physiologiques, sociales et sociétales.




    Une série de thèmes qui englobent la compréhension des divers types d'addictions, les facteurs de risque associés, les répercussions sur la santé physique et mentale, les relations familiales et sociales, les implications économiques, ainsi que des stratégies de prévention et de traitement.

    L'objectif de ces axes est de favoriser le bien-être au sein de la société, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur nos enfants de tous âges, qu'ils soient adolescents ou étudiants. Ces initiatives soulignent l'importance cruciale de la prévention, de la sensibilisation et de la collaboration entre professionnels afin de relever les défis posés par les addictions.


    1. Première conférence généraliste : Compréhension des différentes addictions :

    • Dépendance ou addiction
    • Mécanismes neurobiologiques des addictions.
    • Facteurs génétiques et environnementaux liés aux addictions
    • Différentes addictions et leurs effets sur le cerveau.


    2.     Addictions aux substances :


    • Alcoolisme.
    • Tabac.
    • Sucre.
    • Toxicomanie (drogues illicites).
    • Dépendance aux médicaments.



    3.  Addictions comportementales :


    • Jeux de hasard et d'argent.
    • Travail et surmenage.
    • Achats compulsifs.
    • Addiction alimentaire

    4.   Les nouvelles tendances d'addictions, addictions au numérique :


    • Jeux vidéo (surtout les jeux vidéo en réseaux)
    • Internet et réseaux sociaux. 

    Télécharger le Programme de la journée ICI

Une journée d’étude et de vulgarisation sur la lutte contre les maladies et les ravageurs des céréales

Decembre 19, 2023


Université Ferhat ABBAS Setif1

le Forum des Femmes de L'UFAS


les partenaires socioéconomiques (RéQuaBlé)

Organisent Une journée d'étude et de vulgarisation sur la lutte contre les maladies et les ravageurs des céréales

  • Une journée d’étude et de vulgarisation sur la lutte contre les maladies et les ravageurs des céréales

    December 19, 2023 – December 19, 2023


    Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie

    Forum des Femmes de l'UFAS


    les partenaires socioéconomiques (RéQuaBlé)


    Journée d'Etude et de Vulgarisation

    sur la Lutte contre les Maladies et les Ravageurs des Céréales

    Le Mardi 19 décembre 2023 à partir de 9h du matin

    Auditorium Nait BELKACEM, sise campus El Bez 19000 Sétif





    La demande alimentaire croissante corolaire d'une démographie galopante a entrainé l'augmentation des surfaces agricoles et l'intensification de la production notamment céréalière.

    Ce qui a induit la prolifération des insectes et champignons ravageurs des grandes cultures, et l'appauvrissement du sol. Ajouté à cela des adventices concurrentes des plantes cultivées et le stress dû aux aléas climatiques comme la sécheresse, ce qui entraine une perte de rendement pour les agriculteurs. Afin de remédier à cet handicap et obtenir un rendement à même d'assurer une sécurité alimentaire, l'Homme a utilisé des produits phytosanitaires chimiques pesticides ( fongicides et herbicides, insecticides.......) pendant des années sans tenir compte de leurs effets sur l'environnement, l'eau et la santé humaine.

    Face à un dilemme de taille entre augmentation du rendement et amélioration de la qualité d'un côté, et la préservation du milieu naturel d'un autre côté, les agriculteurs et scientifiques ont cherché une alternative à l'utilisation de produits chimiques et la conception de la lutte biologique ou utilisation de variétés plus résistantes, a vite émergé,  conforté par l'avènement du développement durable et de l'agroécologie.

    Sétif, région à vocation céréalière depuis les premières civilisations sédentaires (Massæsyles, numides ...), est connue pour ses rendements en blé de l'ordre de 33qx/ha en moyenne (jusqu'à 80 qx/ha chez certains particuliers) ; elle fut dotée, à bon escient, de structure agricoles techniques et scientifiques (INRA, ITGC, ...) et de nombreuses fermes pilotes.

    La région de Sétif essaie tant bien que mal de relever le défi et proposer des variétés de blé adaptées aux conditions climatiques.



    L'Université de Sétif ( l'UFAS1) consciente des récentes innovations en matière de traitement et de précautions environnementales concernant l'utilisation des produits chimiques et par le biais du Forum des femmes de l'UFAS, se propose de réaliser une étude portant sur la vulgarisation des techniques de traitement, de contrôle et de lutte contre maladie, ravageurs et adventices pour améliorer les connaissances, le savoir-faire et les capacités des agriculteurs mais aussi et surtout des étudiants et, pour se mettre à niveau concernant les nouvelles approches pour la maitrise de leur emploi.

    Pour cela nous avons choisi de mener cette journée à travers deux approches :

    1. La première est une mise à niveau scientifique par l'intervention de professeurs imminents qui nous présenteront des communications dans la thématique citée
    2. La seconde approche est de proposer une nouvelle méthodologie de vulgarisation à travers l'intervention des acteurs eux-mêmes à savoir les agriculteurs.

    Nous avons par le biais du réseau qualité blé (RéQuaBlé) trouvé des agriculteurs qui nous partagerons leur expériences concernant l'utilisation efficiente des produits phytosanitaires contre les ravageurs des céréales .


    Dans ce sillage nous invitons l'ensemble des acteurs intéressés à s'inscrire en créant un compte sur notre plateforme afin de se tenir informé de l'ensemble des travaux actuels et à venir




    La journée sera organisée sur deux volets le côté scientifiques et le côté technique


    La matinée sera consacrée à la présentation  de communications scientifiques par des enseignants-chercheurs et le partage d'expérience de terrain par des agriculteurs avérés assistés par des techniciens agronomes de formation.

    Trois axes ont été retenus pour explorer cette thématique :

    • Le contrôle des adventices
    • Les maladies et ravageurs qui sévissent dans la région de Sétif
    • Les incidences de l'emploi des produits phytosanitaires sur l'environnement.

    La journée sera enrichie par des stands d'exposition des produits phytosanitaires et aussi par des communications affiché es (Posters) d'étudiants et d'enseignants.


    Démonstration in situ  sur les techniques de réglage et d'entretien des pulvérisateurs :

    Pour ce faire, les participants seront divisés en trois groupes, un groupe par machine. L'animation sera réalisée par nos partenaire techniciens et ingénieurs


International Conference on the Relevance and Role of Digitalization Technologies

September 22, 2024


the International Conference on the Relevance and Role of Digitalization Technologies

In the Documentation, Conservation and Diagnosis of Cultural Property ,


will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria, on

September 22,2024

This event aims to think and compare reflections around the theme of built cultural heritage and digitization technologies for its documentation, safeguarding and valorization.

  • International Conference on the Relevance and Role of Digitalization Technologies

    September 22, 2024 – September 23, 2024

    Sétif 1 University Ferhat Abbas 

    Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences I.A.S.T

    Mediterranean Architecture Laboratory L.A.M


    In IAST auditorium , September 22, 2024

    In partnership ( planned after consultation) of ICOMOS



    It is essential to discover cultural heritage, not only for cultural and scientific purposes but also to reconcile citizens with their history and raise their awareness in a policy of sustainability and preservation of the main built cultural artifacts. In this regard, heritage subject to generational transmission is recognized by UNESCO as "our heritage from the past, what we live with today and what we transmit to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage is both an irreplaceable source of life and inspiration."

    Our participation also raises another problem inherent in-built heritage, which is its deterioration over time. Throughout its existence, built cultural heritage is exposed to numerous external threats (destruction, alteration, vandalism, etc.) and internal threats (wear and tear, deterioration, unhealthy conditions, etc.). This invaluable, non-renewable resource needs to be carefully documented and archived.

    What is the relevance and role of digitisation technologies in these practices? What technological tools do people have at their disposal to access built cultural heritage? What techniques are already being used for this purpose?

    These are just some of the questions raised at this scientific meeting, whose main aim is not only to contribute to the dissemination and popularisation of built cultural heritage, but also to reflect on the potential of digitisation systems for its dissemination and preservation.

    Digitisation is now an essential technology for increasing the visibility and protecting the footprint of built heritage. Digital archiving of built heritage involves several phases of preservation and organisation.

    But beyond archiving and preserving a digital model, technology is evolving in a wide range of fields, with a growing number of cultural institutions taking on board the need to capture heritage ensembles. These technologies currently represent an open door for specialists working on all forms of tangible cultural heritage.

    The development of computerised data systems for processing, documenting and archiving heritage is an important task, but is not an end in itself; the subsequent task is to make judicious use of the fruits of this technology and its high potential.

    This scientific event sees a central role for new digitisation technologies in the sustainability of cultural heritage.

    This seminar is looking for contributions that focus on the possible ways in which these dimensions (history, digitisation and heritage) are already connected, but also on how it is still possible to conceive of the connection between objects, people, memory and heritage.



    This call for papers is addressed at researchers, doctoral students and teacher-researchers in the fields of architecture, town planning and archaeology. It is also open to researchers who also question the digitization of heritage within their disciplinary field and who are engaged in research approaches.

    Proposals must be submitted exclusivly on line :

    Format of expected proposals:

    1. A title, a summary of 400 to 500 words (in French or English or Arabic) in Word format;
    2. A biographical presentation (6 to 8 lines)
    3. The identity of the author(s) (first name, last name, status and institution, address, email, telephone).

    Only papers that are directly related to the themeand include pratical case studies will be accepted


    The interventions can be done in French , English or Arabic.

    The conference will result in a publication, after evaluation of the articles by the scientific committee.

    The articles selected by the scientific committee will be published in accordance with international academic standards.

    EVENT FORMAT Hybrid on-site and online event





    • To develop a digital methodology for planning interventions on the built heritage.
    • To share scientific and professional experience in the field. At the same time, this will enable an inventory to be made of heritage objects in need of repair.
    • Compare the different methodologies used to diagnose the built cultural heritage.
    • Carrying out, supporting and coordinating research studies through education, documentation and information on cultural architectural heritage.
    • A scientific gathering of scientists and specialists in digitisation applied to heritage will provide an opportunity to compare the progress of projects in this field and to open up new areas for exploration.


    KEYWORDS: heritage, digitization, culture, safeguarding, valorization, alteration, diagnosis.


    To download the conference Call of Paper HERE



    • Receipt of proposals:01/03/2024
    • Notifications of acceptance of proposals:15/03/2024
    • Sending a first status of the text of the communication: 30/04/2024
    • Sending the final text of the communication 15/05/2024
    • Course of the conference: September 22, 2024.
    • Sending the final version of the text of the communication
    • Publication of the conference proceedings.



The Second International Workshop on Chemical Engineering-dedicated to Catalysis


December 2023


The Second International Workshop on Chemical Engineering-dedicated to Catalysis (IWCE2023) will be held on 09th-10th December 2023 at Sétif, Algeria.

The workshop is hosted by Chemical Process Engineering Laboratory (LGPC), Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 University.

We emphatically welcome all the authors, eminent Researchers, professors, students, and delegates to make their valuable presence to sharing the latest ideas and advances in the field of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, especially in the field of catalysis

  • The Second International Workshop on Chemical Engineering-dedicated to Catalysis

    December 9, 2023 – December 10, 2023

    Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University

    1جامعة فرحات عباس سطيف


    كلية التكنولوجيا


    قسم هــــــنـــــــدســـــــــــة الــــــــطــــــرائــــق

    in association with

    Chemical Process Engineering laboratory L.G.P.C



    The 2nd International Workshop on Chemical Engineering-dedicated to Catalysis




    09 &10 December 2023

    The 2nd International Workshop on Chemical Engineering will be held on 09th-10th December 2023 in Sétif, Algeria.

    This second edition is dedicated to Catalysis. The workshop is hosted by the Laboratory of Chemical Process Engineering of Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 University.

    We welcome authors, researchers and students to contribute to this workshop.

    The aim is to bring together researchers in this area to share their expertise.

    This will open new collaborations, thus helping to find solutions to the latest environmental, energy and circular economy problems. The attending experts and industry partners will also provide a forum of discussion.

    We are looking forward to seeing you in the workshop and contribute to its success.


    The Workshop TOPICS


    1. Green catalysis
    2. Environmental catalysis
    3. Materials/Nanomaterials/Biomaterials
    4. Chemical Engineering




    Extended limit date for submission 25th November, 2023

    Notification of acceptance 28th November, 2023

    Registration 8th to 9th December, 2023



4th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials

November 06-07, 2023


the 4nd International Conference on Mecanics & Materails

"ICMM'23" , will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria, on November 06-07,2023


  • 4th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials

    November 6, 2023 – November 7, 2023

    Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University

    1جامعة فرحات عباس سطيف


    معهد البصريات و ميكانيك الدقة


    Additive Manufacturing Research Unit-URFA-

    Research center in Industrial Technologies -CRTI-





    The 4th International Conference on Mechanics & Materials-ICMM2023

    November 6 th & 7 th , 2023

    at SALAH KERMI Auditorium



    The fourth edition of the International Conference of Mechanics and Materials ICMM2023, will be held in setif, algeria.

    Coorganized between the research center in industrial technologies (CRTI) and The IOMP of ferhat Abbas Unversity setif 1, on November 6th & 7th, 2023.

    This fourth conference will bring together academics and industrials from all over the world.

    The aim of the conference is to provide an international forum for experts to promote, share, and discuss various issues and development in the field.



    To down load the conference CALL OF PAPER click HERE

    For more information :








    Papers are invited on all topics related to aspects of precision mechanics and materials including:


    1. T1. Vibration and acoustic in mechanical system and structure
    2. T2. Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing CAD/CAM
    3. T3. Reliability, mechanical design and condition monitoring
    4. T4. Mechatronic and robotics
    5. T5. Metallic materials for engineering
    6. T6. Glass, ceramics and composites
    7. T7. Tribology and industrial applications
    8. T8. Materials elaboration and characterization methods
    9. T9. Materials damage and fatigue
    10. T10. Coating, thin films and solar panels
    11. T11. Additive manufacturing
    12. T12. Forming of materials
    13. T13. Start-up and innovation



    • Submission deadline : 20 th October 2023
    • Acceptance notification : 25 th October 2023
    • Confirmation deadline : 1 st November 2023
    • Conference days : 6 th - 7 th November 2023


5th International Conference on Optometry

October 16 th, 2023


the 5th International Conference on Optometry (ICOP2023)

, will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria, on November 06-07,2023

The Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics at Ferhat Abbas University in Setif has the privilege of hosting the 5th International Conference on Optometry (ICOP’ 2023). This prestigious event aims to create a platform for students, researchers, and industry experts to engage in discussions on various topics related to vision optics, fostering the exchange of ideas and encouraging innovative thinking. The ICOP’ 2023, open to all optical professionals, will provide the latest scientific advancements in the field of optometry, while also facilitating interdisciplinary exchanges. In addition to the thematic sessions of the conference, two professional workshops will be organized specifically for Master's and Bachelor's students.

  • 5th International Conference on Optometry

    October 16, 2023 – October 16, 2023

    Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University

    1جامعة فرحات عباس سطيف


    معهد البصريات و ميكانيك الدقة


    The 5th International Conference on Optometry (ICOP'23)

    October 16 th , 2023

    at Mouloud Kacem Nait BELKACEM Auditorium




    The Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics at Ferhat Abbas University in Setif has the privilege of hosting the 5th International Conference on Optometry (ICOP' 2023).

    This prestigious event aims to create a platform for students, researchers, and industry experts to engage in discussions on various topics related to vision optics, fostering the exchange of ideas and encouraging innovative thinking.

    The ICOP' 2023, open to all optical professionals, will provide the latest scientific advancements in the field of optometry, while also facilitating interdisciplinary exchanges. In addition to the thematic sessions of the conference, two professional workshops will be organized specifically for Master's and Bachelor's students.


    All aspects of optometry will be covered in the technical sessions of the conference, including:

    1. Topic 1- Ophthalmic lenses
    2. Topic 2- Optometry
    3. Topic3- Contactology
    4. Topic 4- Eye health
    5. Topic 5- Advanced diagnostic techniques
    6. Topic 6- Clinical discussions
    7. Topic 7- Ocular Pharmacology



    • Submission (2-page abstract): 10 September 2023
    • Notification of acceptance: 25 September 2023
    • Registration: 16 October 2023


2nd International Conference on Electrochemical Science &Technology

NOVEMBER 27-28;2023

May 7-8&9, 2024


the 2nd International Conference on Electrochemical Science &Technology

"ICEST 2024" , will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria, on May 7,8 & 9 th ,2024

For the first time in Algeria we will organize an international conference on the relationship between electrochemistry and technology in several fields. The aim of the "ICEST 2023"conference is to bring together international experts, scholars, policy makers, industrialists, etc to discuss contemporary and cutting-edge research in electrochemical science, innovation and energy development. This conference will also provide a goldenopportunity to meet experts and develop new collaborations onthe fundamentals, applications and products from variousfields such as: materials and energy storage, renewable energy systems, electrochemistry innovations, etc.

  • 2nd International Conference on Electrochemical Science &Technology

    May 7, 2024 – May 9, 2024

    Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University

    1جامعة فرحات عباس سطيف


    كلية التكنولوجيا


    قسم هــــــنـــــــدســـــــــــة الــــــــطــــــرائــــق

    L.E.M, L.E.M.M.C, L.C.I.M.N, L.E.I.M.C.R, L.C.C.N.S & L.E.E.S laboratories


    2nd International Conference on Electrochemical Science &Technology

    (ICEST 2024)

    Conference Slogan: “Energetic Transition”

    7,8 & 9 May  2024, Sétif, ALGERIA

    To view the conference Prospectus HERE



    For the second time in Algeria we will organize an international conference on the relationship between electrochemistry and technology in several fields.

    The aim of the "ICEST 2024"conference is to bring together international experts, scholars, policy makers, industrialists, etc to discuss contemporary and cutting-edge research in electrochemical science, innovation and energy development.

    This conference will also provide a golden opportunity to meet experts and develop new collaborations on the fundamentals, applications and products from various fields such as: materials and energy storage, renewable energy systems, electrochemistry innovations, etc.




    Electrochemistry is a discipline of wide scientific and technological interest. Scientifically, it explores the electrical properties of materials and especially the interfaces between different kinds of matter.

    Technologically, electrochemistry touches our lives in many ways that few fully appreciate; for example, elaboration of materials by electrochemical methods, while the batteries that power all manner of appliances, vehicles, and devices are the products of electrochemical research.

    Other realms in which electrochemical science plays a crucial role include corrosion, the disinfection of water, neurophysiology, sensors, energy storage, semiconductors, biomedical analysis, and so on.

    The ICEST 2024: 2nd International Conference on Electrochemical Science & Technology aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results

    On all aspects of Electrochemistry science and industrial electrochemical processes.




    1. Batteries and Energy Storage.
    2. Corrosion and Electrochemical Engineering.
    3. Nanomaterial for Electrochemical and Photovoltaic Applications.
    4. Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry.
    5. Bioelectrochemistry and Environment.
    6. Hydrogen Production and Storage.



    The program of ICEST 2024 includes:

    • Plenary conferences (35 minutes)
    • Oral communications (15 minutes)
    • Posters session
    • An exhibition of scientific equipment



    The official languages of the workshop are: Arabic, English and French.



    Deadline of electronic registration and submission of abstracts: 15th September 2023

    Confirmation of acceptance : 5th October 2023

    Confirmation of contribution acceptance 10th October 2023

    Conference date 27th-28th November 2023




    3nd New  Deadlnes


    The organizing committee has decided to postpone the dates as follows:


    Deadline of electronic registration and submission of abstracts: April 10st, 2024

    Notification of acceptance: Aprl 15th, 2024

    Confirmation of acceptance: April 20th, 2024

    Registration: May 7th, 2024

    Conference date: May 7-9, 2024

International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energies

NOVEMBER 25 &26, 2022

November 18-19 2023


The First  International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energies (ICMRE2023) , will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria, on November 18th -19h, 2023