The 1st National Conference on Advanced Applications of Chemistry
18-19 September 2024 | University Setif 1- Ferhat Abbas Faculty of Sciences -Department of Chemistry organize The 1st National Conference on Advanced Applications of Chemistry NC2AC’24 18-19 September 2024  |
The 1st National Conference on Advanced Applications of Chemistry
September 18, 2024 – September 19, 2024University Setif 1- Ferhat Abbas
Faculty of Sciences -Department of Chemistry
The 1st National Conference on Advanced Applications of Chemistry
NC2AC’24 18-19 September 2024
Prof. Mohammed El Hadi LATRECHE – Rector of the University
Prof. Layachi LOUAIL - Dean of the Faculty of Sciences
Prof. Souad DJELLALI
Important Dates :
Deadline for abstract submission: July 10th, 2024 July 25th, 2024.
Notification of acceptance: July 31st, 2024.
Confirmation of participation: Before September 5th, 2024.
Conference languages :
English, French
For submission of abstracts please follow this link :
First conference on atomic and molecular collisions and their applications
September 25-26, 2024 | Setif1 University Ferhat ABBAS Organizes First Conference on ''Atomic and Molecular Collisions : Theory and Applications on September 25-26, 2024 |
First conference on atomic and molecular collisions and their applications
September 25, 2024 – September 26, 2024Setif1 University Ferhat ABBAS
First Conference on
" Atomic and Molecular Collisions
:Theory and Applications "
on September 25-26, 2024
Conference Room Mouloud Kacem Nait BELKACEM
AMCTA1: Is a biannual conference to be held at Univesity Fehat abbas Setif1. It deals with physical and chemical phenomena induced in collisions of charged projectiles with atomic and molecular targets. The main goal of the conference is to enable the exchange of information between researchers in this field. Biomedical applications will be considered as a priority.
Remark: To submit any paper to our Conference you are invited to registration , by creating a personal account as an Author statut
To download the submission Guide
We are very pleased to announce that the abstract submission deadline for AMCTA1 2024 has been extended to 10th Sepember 2024
International Conference on Chemical Engineering for Oil and Gas Industry ICCE "24-OG
November 26-27, 2024 | ![]() | Setif 1 University Ferhat ABBASFaculty of technologyOrganize International Conference on Chemical Engineering for Oil and Gas Industry ICCE "24-OGI Auditorium Mouloud Kacem Nait BELKACEM at 09h00 Â For more details please follow this link : |
International Conference on Chemical Engineering for Oil and Gas Industry
November 26, 2024 – November 27, 2024
Les Dédales Des Addictions : Causes, effets et alternatives
March 05, 2024 | Â
Setif1 University Ferhat ABBAS Organise Une journée d'étude et de vulgarisation intitulée Les Dédales Des Addictions : Causes, effets et alternativesle 05 Mars 2024 à l'auditoriumMouloud Kacem Nait BELKACEM à partir de 09h00 |
Les Dédales Des Addictions : Causes, effets et alternatives
March 5, 2024 – March 5, 2024UNIVERSITE SETIF 1-FERHAT ABBAS
Forum des Femmes de l’UFAS1
Une Journée d'étude et de vulgarisation
Causes, effets et alternatives
Le Mardi 05 Mars 2024 à partir de 09h00 du matin , auditorium Kacem Nait BELKACEM
La problèmatique des addictions représente une préoccupation cruciale à l'échelle mondiale, y compris en Algérie.
L'impact néfaste de ce phénomène sur la société algérienne, affectant l'ensemble de ces composantes, est indéniable.
Dans le cadre d'une journée scientifique d'étude d'intérêt public, psychiatres, addictologues, psychologues , psychosociologues: autant de profils complémentaires et spécifiques dans leurs vocations et leurs approches du sujet, sont invités à informer, vulgariser et débattre de ce sujet qui touche notre société mettant en exergue la nécessité d'agir de manière préventive.L'objectif de cette initiative est en premier comprendre le phénomène des addictions en explorant ses aspects physiologique, neurobiologiques, psychologiques et sociaux, et ensuite de sensibiliser et d'alerter sur ce sujet, en abordant divers troubles, dépendances, méthodes de traitement et en particulier de la prévention.
Les intervenants, présenteront des approches basées sur leurs travaux théoriques et confrontations à la réalité du terrain.
L'accent est mis sur la nécessité de fournir des outils et des ressources pour lutter contre l'addiction, tout en soulignant l'importance de ne pas rester seul face à ce défi.
Le forum des femmes, de l'université Sétif 1 Ferhat Abbas, s'engage comme a son habitude dans des initiatives visant à promouvoir le bien-être au sein de l'université et dans la société.
Au cours de cette démarche, nous aborderons divers aspects de ce sujet, tels que les troubles comportementaux, les dépendances sous différentes formes, et explorerons d'éventuelle méthodes proactives de prévention ainsi que des alternatives et traitements potentiels.
Nous avons tenté de réunir différents acteurs et profils du champ des addictions pour :
- Identifier et comprendre le phénomène d'addiction, le cerner et l'expliquer d'une manière professionnelle
- Éclairer sur l'addiction et ouvrir les mentalités sur les nouveaux types tel que l'addiction au numérique qui sévit d'une manière sournoise
- Évaluer l'état des addictions, notamment au niveau local en dressant un constat de la situation (chiffres, statistiques, témoignages...) des risques et des dommages causés par les addictions
- Présenter les différentes approches thérapeutiques disponibles pour traiter les personnes souffrant d'addictions, y compris les approches médicales, psychologiques et sociales
- Explorer les conséquences sociales, économiques et législatives des addictions
- Permettre aux professionnels de partager leurs expériences et leurs meilleures pratiques dans le domaine de la prévention et du traitement des addictions.
Pour bien étoffer cette journée, nous avons opté également pour l'élaboration d'un sondage en ligne,accessible ici pour essayer de mieux comprendre les différentes facettes des addictions et leurs implications physiologiques, sociales et sociétales.
Une série de thèmes qui englobent la compréhension des divers types d'addictions, les facteurs de risque associés, les répercussions sur la santé physique et mentale, les relations familiales et sociales, les implications économiques, ainsi que des stratégies de prévention et de traitement.
L'objectif de ces axes est de favoriser le bien-être au sein de la société, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur nos enfants de tous âges, qu'ils soient adolescents ou étudiants. Ces initiatives soulignent l'importance cruciale de la prévention, de la sensibilisation et de la collaboration entre professionnels afin de relever les défis posés par les addictions.Â
1. Première conférence généraliste : Compréhension des différentes addictions :
- Dépendance ou addiction
- Mécanismes neurobiologiques des addictions.
- Facteurs génétiques et environnementaux liés aux addictions
- Différentes addictions et leurs effets sur le cerveau.
2.    Addictions aux substances :
- Alcoolisme.
- Tabac.
- Sucre.
- Toxicomanie (drogues illicites).
- Dépendance aux médicaments.
3. Addictions comportementales :
- Jeux de hasard et d'argent.
- Travail et surmenage.
- Achats compulsifs.
- Addiction alimentaire
4.  Les nouvelles tendances d'addictions, addictions au numérique :
- Jeux vidéo (surtout les jeux vidéo en réseaux)
- Internet et réseaux sociaux.Â
Télécharger le Programme de la journée ICI
Une journée d’étude et de vulgarisation sur la lutte contre les maladies et les ravageurs des céréales
Decembre 19, 2023 | Â
Université Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 EN COLLABORATION AVEC les partenaires socioéconomiques (RéQuaBlé) Organisent Une journée d'étude et de vulgarisation sur la lutte contre les maladies et les ravageurs des céréales |
Une journée d’étude et de vulgarisation sur la lutte contre les maladies et les ravageurs des céréales
December 19, 2023 – December 19, 2023UNIVERSITE SETIF 1 FERHAT ABBAS
Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie
Forum des Femmes de l'UFAS
les partenaires socioéconomiques (RéQuaBlé)
Journée d'Etude et de Vulgarisation
sur la Lutte contre les Maladies et les Ravageurs des Céréales
Le Mardi 19 décembre 2023 à partir de 9h du matin
Auditorium Nait BELKACEM, sise campus El Bez 19000 Sétif
La demande alimentaire croissante corolaire d'une démographie galopante a entrainé l'augmentation des surfaces agricoles et l'intensification de la production notamment céréalière.
Ce qui a induit la prolifération des insectes et champignons ravageurs des grandes cultures, et l'appauvrissement du sol. Ajouté à cela des adventices concurrentes des plantes cultivées et le stress dû aux aléas climatiques comme la sécheresse, ce qui entraine une perte de rendement pour les agriculteurs. Afin de remédier à cet handicap et obtenir un rendement à même d'assurer une sécurité alimentaire, l'Homme a utilisé des produits phytosanitaires chimiques pesticides ( fongicides et herbicides, insecticides.......) pendant des années sans tenir compte de leurs effets sur l'environnement, l'eau et la santé humaine.
Face à un dilemme de taille entre augmentation du rendement et amélioration de la qualité d'un côté, et la préservation du milieu naturel d'un autre côté, les agriculteurs et scientifiques ont cherché une alternative à l'utilisation de produits chimiques et la conception de la lutte biologique ou utilisation de variétés plus résistantes, a vite émergé,  conforté par l'avènement du développement durable et de l'agroécologie.
Sétif, région à vocation céréalière depuis les premières civilisations sédentaires (Massæsyles, numides ...), est connue pour ses rendements en blé de l'ordre de 33qx/ha en moyenne (jusqu'à 80 qx/ha chez certains particuliers) ; elle fut dotée, à bon escient, de structure agricoles techniques et scientifiques (INRA, ITGC, ...) et de nombreuses fermes pilotes.
La région de Sétif essaie tant bien que mal de relever le défi et proposer des variétés de blé adaptées aux conditions climatiques.
L'Université de Sétif ( l'UFAS1) consciente des récentes innovations en matière de traitement et de précautions environnementales concernant l'utilisation des produits chimiques et par le biais du Forum des femmes de l'UFAS, se propose de réaliser une étude portant sur la vulgarisation des techniques de traitement, de contrôle et de lutte contre maladie, ravageurs et adventices pour améliorer les connaissances, le savoir-faire et les capacités des agriculteurs mais aussi et surtout des étudiants et, pour se mettre à niveau concernant les nouvelles approches pour la maitrise de leur emploi.
Pour cela nous avons choisi de mener cette journée à travers deux approches :
- La première est une mise à niveau scientifique par l'intervention de professeurs imminents qui nous présenteront des communications dans la thématique citée
- La seconde approche est de proposer une nouvelle méthodologie de vulgarisation à travers l'intervention des acteurs eux-mêmes à savoir les agriculteurs.
Nous avons par le biais du réseau qualité blé (RéQuaBlé) trouvé des agriculteurs qui nous partagerons leur expériences concernant l'utilisation efficiente des produits phytosanitaires contre les ravageurs des céréales .
Dans ce sillage nous invitons l'ensemble des acteurs intéressés à s'inscrire en créant un compte sur notre plateforme afin de se tenir informé de l'ensemble des travaux actuels et à venir
La journée sera organisée sur deux volets le côté scientifiques et le côté technique
La matinée sera consacrée à la présentation de communications scientifiques par des enseignants-chercheurs et le partage d'expérience de terrain par des agriculteurs avérés assistés par des techniciens agronomes de formation.
Trois axes ont été retenus pour explorer cette thématique :
- Le contrôle des adventices
- Les maladies et ravageurs qui sévissent dans la région de Sétif
- Les incidences de l'emploi des produits phytosanitaires sur l'environnement.
La journée sera enrichie par des stands d'exposition des produits phytosanitaires et aussi par des communications affiché es (Posters) d'étudiants et d'enseignants.
Démonstration in situ sur les techniques de réglage et d'entretien des pulvérisateurs :
Pour ce faire, les participants seront divisés en trois groupes, un groupe par machine. L'animation sera réalisée par nos partenaire techniciens et ingénieurs
International Conference on the Relevance and Role of Digitalization Technologies
October 28,29 2024 | Â
the International Conference on the Relevance and Role of Digitalization Technologies In the Documentation, Conservation and Diagnosis of Cultural Property , (ICRRDTDCDC24) will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria, on September 22,2024
This event aims to think and compare reflections around the theme of built cultural heritage and digitization technologies for its documentation, safeguarding and valorization. |
International Conference on the Relevance and Role of Digitalization Technologies
October 28, 2024 – October 29, 2024Sétif 1 University Ferhat AbbasÂ
Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences I.A.S.T
Mediterranean Architecture Laboratory L.A.M
In IAST auditorium ,October 28,29 2024
In partnership ( planned after consultation) of ICOMOS
It is essential to discover cultural heritage, not only for cultural and scientific purposes but also to reconcile citizens with their history and raise their awareness in a policy of sustainability and preservation of the main built cultural artifacts. In this regard, heritage subject to generational transmission is recognized by UNESCO as "our heritage from the past, what we live with today and what we transmit to future generations. Our cultural and natural heritage is both an irreplaceable source of life and inspiration."
Our participation also raises another problem inherent in-built heritage, which is its deterioration over time. Throughout its existence, built cultural heritage is exposed to numerous external threats (destruction, alteration, vandalism, etc.) and internal threats (wear and tear, deterioration, unhealthy conditions, etc.). This invaluable, non-renewable resource needs to be carefully documented and archived.
What is the relevance and role of digitisation technologies in these practices? What technological tools do people have at their disposal to access built cultural heritage? What techniques are already being used for this purpose?
These are just some of the questions raised at this scientific meeting, whose main aim is not only to contribute to the dissemination and popularisation of built cultural heritage, but also to reflect on the potential of digitisation systems for its dissemination and preservation.
Digitisation is now an essential technology for increasing the visibility and protecting the footprint of built heritage. Digital archiving of built heritage involves several phases of preservation and organisation.
But beyond archiving and preserving a digital model, technology is evolving in a wide range of fields, with a growing number of cultural institutions taking on board the need to capture heritage ensembles. These technologies currently represent an open door for specialists working on all forms of tangible cultural heritage.
The development of computerised data systems for processing, documenting and archiving heritage is an important task, but is not an end in itself; the subsequent task is to make judicious use of the fruits of this technology and its high potential.
This scientific event sees a central role for new digitisation technologies in the sustainability of cultural heritage.
This seminar is looking for contributions that focus on the possible ways in which these dimensions (history, digitisation and heritage) are already connected, but also on how it is still possible to conceive of the connection between objects, people, memory and heritage.
This call for papers is addressed at researchers, doctoral students and teacher-researchers in the fields of architecture, town planning and archaeology. It is also open to researchers who also question the digitization of heritage within their disciplinary field and who are engaged in research approaches.
Proposals must be submitted exclusivly on line :
Format of expected proposals:
- A title, a summary of 400 to 500 words (in French or English or Arabic) in Word format;
- A biographical presentation (6 to 8 lines)
- The identity of the author(s) (first name, last name, status and institution, address, email, telephone).
Only papers that are directly related to the themeand include pratical case studies will be accepted
The interventions can be done in French , English or Arabic.
The conference will result in a publication, after evaluation of the articles by the scientific committee.
The articles selected by the scientific committee will be published in accordance with international academic standards.
EVENT FORMAT Hybrid on-site and online event
- To develop a digital methodology for planning interventions on the built heritage.
- To share scientific and professional experience in the field. At the same time, this will enable an inventory to be made of heritage objects in need of repair.
- Compare the different methodologies used to diagnose the built cultural heritage.
- Carrying out, supporting and coordinating research studies through education, documentation and information on cultural architectural heritage.
- A scientific gathering of scientists and specialists in digitisation applied to heritage will provide an opportunity to compare the progress of projects in this field and to open up new areas for exploration.
KEYWORDS: heritage, digitization, culture, safeguarding, valorization, alteration, diagnosis.
To download the conference Call of Paper HERE
- Receipt of proposals:01/03/2024
- Notifications of acceptance of proposals:15/03/2024
- Sending a first status of the text of the communication: 30/04/2024
- Sending the final text of the communication 15/05/2024
- Course of the conference: October 28,29 2024.
- Sending the final version of the text of the communication
- Publication of the conference proceedings.
The Second International Workshop on Chemical Engineering-dedicated to Catalysis
09th-10th December 2023 |  The Second International Workshop on Chemical Engineering-dedicated to Catalysis (IWCE2023) will be held on 09th-10th December 2023 at Sétif, Algeria. The workshop is hosted by Chemical Process Engineering Laboratory (LGPC), Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 University. We emphatically welcome all the authors, eminent Researchers, professors, students, and delegates to make their valuable presence to sharing the latest ideas and advances in the field of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, especially in the field of catalysis |
The Second International Workshop on Chemical Engineering-dedicated to Catalysis
December 9, 2023 – December 10, 2023Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University
1جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطيÙ
كلية التكنولوجيا
قسم هــــــنـــــــدســـــــــــة الــــــــطــــــرائــــق
in association with
Chemical Process Engineering laboratory L.G.P.C
The 2nd International Workshop on Chemical Engineering-dedicated to Catalysis
09 &10 December 2023
The 2nd International Workshop on Chemical Engineering will be held on 09th-10th December 2023 in Sétif, Algeria.
This second edition is dedicated to Catalysis. The workshop is hosted by the Laboratory of Chemical Process Engineering of Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 University.
We welcome authors, researchers and students to contribute to this workshop.
The aim is to bring together researchers in this area to share their expertise.
This will open new collaborations, thus helping to find solutions to the latest environmental, energy and circular economy problems. The attending experts and industry partners will also provide a forum of discussion.
We are looking forward to seeing you in the workshop and contribute to its success.
The Workshop TOPICS
- Green catalysis
- Environmental catalysis
- Materials/Nanomaterials/Biomaterials
- Chemical Engineering
Extended limit date for submission 25th November, 2023
Notification of acceptance 28th November, 2023
Registration 8th to 9th December, 2023
4th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials
4th International Conference on Mechanics and Materials
November 6, 2023 – November 7, 2023Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University
1جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطيÙ
معهد البصريات و ميكانيك الدقة
Additive Manufacturing Research Unit-URFA-
Research center in Industrial Technologies -CRTI-
The 4th International Conference on Mechanics & Materials-ICMM2023
November 6 th & 7 th , 2023
at SALAH KERMI Auditorium
The fourth edition of the International Conference of Mechanics and Materials ICMM2023, will be held in setif, algeria.
Coorganized between the research center in industrial technologies (CRTI) and The IOMP of ferhat Abbas Unversity setif 1, on November 6th & 7th, 2023.This fourth conference will bring together academics and industrials from all over the world.
The aim of the conference is to provide an international forum for experts to promote, share, and discuss various issues and development in the field.
To down load the conference CALL OF PAPER click HERE
For more information :
Papers are invited on all topics related to aspects of precision mechanics and materials including:
- T1. Vibration and acoustic in mechanical system and structure
- T2. Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing CAD/CAM
- T3. Reliability, mechanical design and condition monitoring
- T4. Mechatronic and robotics
- T5. Metallic materials for engineering
- T6. Glass, ceramics and composites
- T7. Tribology and industrial applications
- T8. Materials elaboration and characterization methods
- T9. Materials damage and fatigue
- T10. Coating, thin films and solar panels
- T11. Additive manufacturing
- T12. Forming of materials
- T13. Start-up and innovation
- Submission deadline : 20 th October 2023
- Acceptance notification : 25 th October 2023
- Confirmation deadline : 1 st November 2023
- Conference days : 6 th - 7 th November 2023
5th International Conference on Optometry
October 16 th, 2023 |  the 5th International Conference on Optometry (ICOP2023), will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria, on November 06-07,2023 The Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics at Ferhat Abbas University in Setif has the privilege of hosting the 5th International Conference on Optometry (ICOP’ 2023). This prestigious event aims to create a platform for students, researchers, and industry experts to engage in discussions on various topics related to vision optics, fostering the exchange of ideas and encouraging innovative thinking. The ICOP’ 2023, open to all optical professionals, will provide the latest scientific advancements in the field of optometry, while also facilitating interdisciplinary exchanges. In addition to the thematic sessions of the conference, two professional workshops will be organized specifically for Master's and Bachelor's students. |
5th International Conference on Optometry
October 16, 2023 – October 16, 2023Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University
1جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطيÙ
معهد البصريات و ميكانيك الدقة
The 5th International Conference on Optometry (ICOP'23)
October 16 th , 2023
at Mouloud Kacem Nait BELKACEM Auditorium
The Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics at Ferhat Abbas University in Setif has the privilege of hosting the 5th International Conference on Optometry (ICOP' 2023).
This prestigious event aims to create a platform for students, researchers, and industry experts to engage in discussions on various topics related to vision optics, fostering the exchange of ideas and encouraging innovative thinking.
The ICOP' 2023, open to all optical professionals, will provide the latest scientific advancements in the field of optometry, while also facilitating interdisciplinary exchanges. In addition to the thematic sessions of the conference, two professional workshops will be organized specifically for Master's and Bachelor's students.
All aspects of optometry will be covered in the technical sessions of the conference, including:
- Topic 1- Ophthalmic lenses
- Topic 2- Optometry
- Topic3- Contactology
- Topic 4- Eye health
- Topic 5- Advanced diagnostic techniques
- Topic 6- Clinical discussions
- Topic 7- Ocular Pharmacology
- Submission (2-page abstract): 10 September 2023
- Notification of acceptance: 25 September 2023
- Registration: 16 October 2023
2nd International Conference on Electrochemical Science &Technology
NOVEMBER 27-28;2023 May 7-8&9, 2024 | Â the 2nd International Conference on Electrochemical Science &Technology "ICEST 2024" , will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria, on May 7,8 & 9 th ,2024 For the first time in Algeria we will organize an international conference on the relationship between electrochemistry and technology in several fields. The aim of the "ICEST 2023"conference is to bring together international experts, scholars, policy makers, industrialists, etc to discuss contemporary and cutting-edge research in electrochemical science, innovation and energy development. This conference will also provide a goldenopportunity to meet experts and develop new collaborations onthe fundamentals, applications and products from variousfields such as: materials and energy storage, renewable energy systems, electrochemistry innovations, etc. |
2nd International Conference on Electrochemical Science &Technology
May 7, 2024 – May 9, 2024Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University
1جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطيÙ
كلية التكنولوجيا
قسم هــــــنـــــــدســـــــــــة الــــــــطــــــرائــــق
L.E.M, L.E.M.M.C, L.C.I.M.N, L.E.I.M.C.R, L.C.C.N.S & L.E.E.S laboratories
2nd International Conference on Electrochemical Science &Technology
(ICEST 2024)
Conference Slogan: “Energetic Transitionâ€
7,8 & 9 May 2024, Sétif, ALGERIA
To view the conference Prospectus HERE
For the second time in Algeria we will organize an international conference on the relationship between electrochemistry and technology in several fields.
The aim of the "ICEST 2024"conference is to bring together international experts, scholars, policy makers, industrialists, etc to discuss contemporary and cutting-edge research in electrochemical science, innovation and energy development.
This conference will also provide a golden opportunity to meet experts and develop new collaborations on the fundamentals, applications and products from various fields such as: materials and energy storage, renewable energy systems, electrochemistry innovations, etc.
Electrochemistry is a discipline of wide scientific and technological interest. Scientifically, it explores the electrical properties of materials and especially the interfaces between different kinds of matter.
Technologically, electrochemistry touches our lives in many ways that few fully appreciate; for example, elaboration of materials by electrochemical methods, while the batteries that power all manner of appliances, vehicles, and devices are the products of electrochemical research.
Other realms in which electrochemical science plays a crucial role include corrosion, the disinfection of water, neurophysiology, sensors, energy storage, semiconductors, biomedical analysis, and so on.
The ICEST 2024: 2nd International Conference on Electrochemical Science & Technology aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research resultsOn all aspects of Electrochemistry science and industrial electrochemical processes.
- Batteries and Energy Storage.
- Corrosion and Electrochemical Engineering.
- Nanomaterial for Electrochemical and Photovoltaic Applications.
- Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry.
- Bioelectrochemistry and Environment.
- Hydrogen Production and Storage.
The program of ICEST 2024 includes:
- Plenary conferences (35 minutes)
- Oral communications (15 minutes)
- Posters session
- An exhibition of scientific equipment
The official languages of the workshop are: Arabic, English and French.
Deadline of electronic registration and submission of abstracts: 15th September 2023
Confirmation of acceptance : 5th October 2023
Confirmation of contribution acceptance 10th October 2023
Conference date 27th-28th November 2023
3nd New Deadlnes
The organizing committee has decided to postpone the dates as follows:
Deadline of electronic registration and submission of abstracts: April 10st, 2024
Notification of acceptance: Aprl 15th, 2024
Confirmation of acceptance: April 20th, 2024
Registration: May 7th, 2024
Conference date: May 7-9, 2024
International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energies
NOVEMBER 25 &26, 2022 November 18-19 2023 |  The First International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energies (ICMRE2023) , will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria, on November 18th -19h, 2023The first International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy (ICMRE'23) will be held at the Processes Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Ferhat Abbas University- Setif 1, Setif (Algeria). The main goal of the conference is to promote research and development activities in the field of renewable energies, especially in the field of hydrogen production and storage, fuel cells, solar cells as well as sea water desalination. This initiative will help motivate young researchers to enhance their interest in renewable and clean energies and establish research relations with global partners for future cooperation. It is an ideal platform for leading scientists, researchers, industry experts, decision-makers, academics and students to discuss the latest developments in the field, keep abreast of current technology trends in materials used in renewable energies, and share their latest research results, innovative ideas and current challenges in this field |
International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energies
November 18, 2023 – November 19, 2023Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University
1جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطيÙ
كلية التــــــــكـــــنـــولــــــــوجــــــــيـــــــــــــا
قسم هــــــنـــــــدســـــــــــة الــــــــطــــــرائــــق
International Conference on Materials for Renewelable Energies
المؤتمر الدولي لمواد الطاقات المتجددة
Energy is one of the determining factors for the development and survival of populations: it is necessary for all human activity and essential for meeting daily needs (water, food, health, etc.). Fossil fuel sources are finite and will be depleted in a few decades. The solution will undoubtedly come from renewable natural energies considered to be clean and inexhaustible sources of energy: (Sun, wind, water, geothermal energy, plants etc.). Renewable energy provides reliable power supplies and fuel diversification, which conserve the nation's natural resources and enhance energy security. It improves the three pillars of sustainable development: social, environmental and economic.
Most renewable energy investments are spent on development of materials and build and maintain the facilities. The main goal of ICMRE'23 conference will focus on experimental and theoretical aspects of materials needed for renewable energies production (metals, metal alloys, metal oxides, semiconductors, composite nanomaterials, etc) along with prototype devices for sustainable energy conversion, storage and saving, particularly Lithium and Lead batteries.Aims & Scope
We are deligheted to annouce the holding the first International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy (ICMRE'23) at the Process Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology, Ferhat Abbas University- Setif 1, Setif (Algeria).
The main goal of the conference is to promote research and development activities in the field of renewable energies, especially in the field of hydrogen production and storage, fuel cells, solar cells as well as sea water desalination. This initiative will help motivate young researchers to enhance their interest in renewable and clean energies and establish research relations with global partners for future cooperation. It is an ideal platform for leading scientists, researchers, industry experts, decision-makers, academics and students to discuss the latest developments in the field, keep abreast of current technology trends in materials used in renewable energies, and share their latest research results, innovative ideas and current challenges in this field.
The main topics include but not limited to:
- Topic 1: Materials for Hydrogen production and Fuel Cells
- Topic 2: Materials for photovoltaic applications
- Topic 3: Water desalination technology
- Topic 4: Waste to energy technology
- Topic 5: Energy Storage and conversion
- Topic 6: Electrocatalysis
- Topic 7 : Electrochemestry applied to materials
New Deadlines
The organizing committee has decided to postpone the dates as follows:
Conference date: 18 & 19 November 2023
Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: October 30th, 2023.
Deadline for receipt of the notice of acceptance: November 1st, 2023.
Confirmation of participation : November 06th, 2023
Registration: November 18 & 19th, 2023
Séminaire sur l'eau, le changement climatique, l'agriculture et le développement territorial
1er Au 04 Octobre 2023 | Le projet PRIMA (BENEFIT-Med), en collaboration avec l'Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1, Algérie et avec l’appui de la Direction Générale de la Recherche Scientiï¬que et du Développement Technologique (DGRSDT), organise le Séminaire International "Eau, Changement Climatique, Agriculture et Développement Territorial". |
Séminaire International "Eau, Changement Climatique, Agriculture et Développement Territorial"
October 1, 2023 – October 4, 2023Dans le cadre du projet PRIMA Beneï¬t-Med
SÉTIF DU 1ER AU 4 OCTOBRE 2023Le projet PRIMA (BENEFIT-Med), en collaboration avec l'Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1, Algérie et avec l’appui de la Direction Générale de la Recherche Scientiï¬que et du Développement Technologique (DGRSDT), organise le Séminaire International "Eau, Changement Climatique, Agriculture et Développement Territorial". D'une durée d'exécution de trois années, le projet vise à développer une technologie innovante pour la production de cultures durables, basée sur des accessions de légumineuses fonctionnelles et hautement résistantes et un biopriming « à la ferme » des semences avec des inoculants bactériens pour améliorer considérablement la vigueur des semences et le rendement des semis, même en présence de conditions météorologiques défavorables.
Le Séminaire International se compose de 16 sessions sur différents thèmes de géographie et d'agronomie avec une approche moderne, organisé par l'Institut d'Architecture et des Sciences de la Terre de l'Université Ferhat Abbas, Sétif 1 en collaboration avec plusieurs universités étrangères dans plus de 30 pays et avec la participation de plusieurs chercheurs de nationalités différentes ; Algérienne, Italienne, Allemande, Chilienne, Colombienne, Espagnole, Vietnamienne, Sénégalaise etc.
Journée sur la Didactique et l’Histoire des Mathématiques
04 Mai 2023 | L'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif, la faculté des Sciences , le département de Mathématique, le laboratoire LaMA organise une Journée d'étude sur la Didactique et l'Histoire des Mathématiques (JDHM 2023), journée tenue à l'auditorium Mouloud Kacem NAIT BELKACEM- El Bez , les 04 Mai 2023 |
Journée sur la Didactique et l’Histoire des Mathématiques
Université Ferhat Abbas Setif1
1جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطيÙ
Faculté des Sciences
كلية العلوم
Laboratoire - LaMA - مخبر الرياضيات التطبيقية
Une journée d'étude sur la Didactique et l'Histoire des Mathématiques (JDHM2023)
Le 04 Mai 2023 , Auditorium Mouloud Kacem NAIT BELKACEM- El Bez
أهمية تعليمية العلوم والرياضيات
ÙŠØ·Ø±Ø Ù‡Ø°Ø§ الملتقى جملة من الإشكالات تتعلّق ÙÙŠ جوهرها بتعليمية الرياضيات وطرق تدريسها، ومعاينة أسباب صعوبة الرياضيات لدى تلاميذ قطاع التربية ÙˆØتى لدى طلبة الجامعة. بالإضاÙØ© إلى دراسة بعض Ù…Ù„Ø§Ù…Ø ØªØ§Ø±ÙŠØ®
الرياضيات وتجارب تدريسها، التي يمكن أنّ تخÙّ٠من هذه الصعوبة. وقد Ùرضت التطورات المعاصرة والممثلة ÙÙŠ تكنولوجيا الإعلام والاتصال، تغيرا ملØوظا ÙÙŠ تعليم الرياضيات، Ùلم يعد الهد٠من تعليمها مجرد مهارات ذهنية، أو ØÙ„ مسائل مجردة لا تمت للواقع بصلة. بل Ø£ØµØ¨Ø Ø§Ù„Ù‡Ø¯Ù Ù…Øª تعليم الرياضيات هو أن يكتسب المتعلمون آلية التÙكير المنطقي والÙهم الصØÙŠØØŒ بما يساعد على تنمية قدراتهم على ØÙ„ ما يواجهون من مشكلات ÙÙŠ Ù…Øيطهم الØياتي المعاش. ويتÙÙ‚ الجميع على أهمية دور المعلم ÙÙŠ التدريس، وأنه العامل الأساسي ÙÙŠ Ù†Ø¬Ø§Ø Ø¹Ù…Ù„ÙŠØ© التعليم. وعليه أصبØت تعليمية الرياضيات ØªØ·Ø±Ø Ù‡Ø°Ø§ السؤال المهم: كي٠نعد معلما ما للرياضيات إعدادا صØÙŠØا ØŸ
Cette journée d'étude aborde une série de problématiques liées essentiellement à la didactique des mathématiques et ses méthodes d'enseignement, ainsi que l'examen des raisons de la difficulté des mathématiques chez les étudiants du secteur de l'éducation et même chez les étudiants universitaires.
De surcroît, la journée vise à étudier certains aspects de l'histoire des mathématiques et les expériences de son enseignement susceptibles d'atténuer cette difficulté.
Les évolutions contemporaines, en l'occurrence les TIC, ont imposé un changement notable dans l'enseignement des mathématiques où l'objectif n'est plus uniquement s'initier à des compétences mentales ou à résoudre des problèmes abstraits sans lien avec le réel.
Au contraire, l'objectif de l'enseignement des mathématiques est désormais devenu pour les apprenants d'acquérir le mécanisme d'une pensée logique et d'une compréhension correcte, ce qui les aidera à développer leurs capacités à résoudre les difficultés auxquelles ils sont confrontés dans leur environnement quotidien.
Tout le monde s'accorde sur l'importance du rôle de l'enseignant dans l'enseignement et qu'il est l'élément déterminant de la réussite du processus éducatif.
En conséquence, la didactique des mathématiques soulève ainsi cette question essentielle :
Comment former correctement un enseignant pour l'enseignement des mathématiques ?
Les Axes scientifique de la journée : المØاور الأساسية للتظاهرة العلمية La problématique se traduit par les axes suivants :
- le champ conceptuel dans la résolution de certains problèmes mathématiques ;
- l'importance et le rôle de la rédaction mathématique dans l'enseignement des mathématiques ;
- les principes logiques et leurs définitions à travers la logique ;
- l'importance de l'utilisation des logiciels libres dans l'éducation et l'enseignement.
Ø£Ùرزت الإشكالية المØاور التالية الØقل المÙاهيمي ÙÙŠ ØÙ„ بعض المشاكل الرياضية
أهمية ودور الإنشاء الرياضياتي ÙÙŠ تدريس الرياضيات
المبادئ المنطقية وتعريÙاتها من خلال علم المنطق
أهمية استعمال البرمجيات الØرة ÙÙŠ التربية والتعليم
Objectif de la journée : أهدا٠التظاهرة العلمية
- Présenter les principales tendances contemporaines dans l'enseignement des mathématiques ;
- Bénéficier des expériences et des recherches pour développer l'enseignement des mathématiques ;
- Améliorer la communication scientifique entre l'université et le secteur de l'éducation
عرض أهم التوجهات المعاصرة ÙÙŠ مجال تعليم الرياضيات
الاستÙادة من التجارب والبØوث لتطوير تعليم الرياضيات
تعزيز التواصل العلمي بين الجامعة وقطاع التربية
PAIS 2023
October 25 – 26, 2023 | PAIS 2023 is a forum presenting design methodologies, techniques, and experimental results in emerging Computer Science technologies. The conference provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and successes in topics such as systems, neural networks, soft computing, data mining and knowledge discovery, opinion mining ontology, machine learning, smart measurement, cloud computing, data science and knowledge, and other contemporary methods in automated media and technology. The technical program of the conference will consist of various activities such as plenary sessions, regular technical sessions, and special events. These events will be dedicated to different groups of participants, including students, entrepreneurs, and industries. |
October 25, 2023 – October 26, 2023PAIS 2023 is a forum presenting design methodologies, techniques, and experimental results in emerging Computer Science technologies. The conference provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and successes in topics such as systems, neural networks, soft computing, data mining and knowledge discovery, opinion mining ontology, machine learning, smart measurement, cloud computing, data science and knowledge, and other contemporary methods in automated media and technology. The technical program of the conference will consist of various activities such as plenary sessions, regular technical sessions, and special events. These events will be dedicated to different groups of participants, including students, entrepreneurs, and industries.
المؤتمر الدولي الأول للتكنولوجيا المالية
 04-03 ماي 2023  | جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطي٠1 كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير بالشراكة مع مخبر تقييم رؤوس الاموال الجزائرية ÙÙŠ ظل العولمة المؤتمر الدولي الأول  للتكنولوجيا المالية صناعات التكنولوجيا المالية ÙÙŠ مواجهة تØديات الشمول المالي ورهانات الإستقرار المالي  |
المؤتمر الدولي الأول للتكنولوجيا المالية
May 3, 2023 – May 4, 2023
Medical Physics 6th International Study Day
18 Octobre 2023 | L'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 , La faculte des Sciences, Departement de Physique, Organise The Medical Physics : 6 th International Study Day (MP6ISD-2023), le 18 octobre 2023 , site El BEZ. |
Medical Physics 6th International Study Day
October 18, 2023 – October 19, 2023Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University
Department of Physics
With great pleasure, the Organizing Committee announces the call for abstract submission and school application for the 6 th International Study Day of Medical Physics :Radiation therapy, imaging and nuclear medicine, to be held at Ferhat Abbas-Seitf1 University, in Setif, Algeria, on October 18,2023.
The stady day will include plenary sessions with conferences presented by eminent scientists, and orally and poster sessions covering the different topics :
Main Topics :
External beam radiotherapy- Brachytherapy .
Radiation therapy planning algorithms and optimization.
Radiobiology and radiation protection.
Radiation dosimetry: algorithms, instrumentation, and protocols.
Cancer imaging (algorithm, machine learning and AI ).
Clinical radiotherapy and Clinical dosimetry.
Nuclear medicine imaging.
♥ The study day include an Hands-on tutorial in medical imaging (deep learning and artificial intelligence) ♥
♥برنامج تعليمي عملي ÙÙŠ التصوير الطبي (التعلم العميق والذكاء الاصطناعي)
Registration and participation in the study day are FREE
To register for this worksop, please register by clicking HERE.
To download the call of paper click HERE
To download the conference TEMPLATE click HERE
Abstracts and Registration Form Submission opening,February 23, 2023
Abstracts Submissions deadline July 31 , 2023
Abstracts Submissions POSTER SESSIONSÂ deadline reported until SEPTEMBER 15 TH , 2023
Notification of Acceptance Date September 01 st, 2023
Study Days October 18 th, 2023
For more informations and details please contact us by email :
Bien vivre au Campus de l’U.F.A.S 2023
1er Mars 2023 | L'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif, le FORUM des Femmes de l'UFAS , organise Journée sur l'environnement : "Bien vivre au campus de l'UFAS" Le 1er mars 2023 à l'auditorium Nait BELKACEM à partir de 09h 00 du matin. |
Bien vivre au Campus de l’U.F.A.S
Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif
Le FORUM des Femmes de l'UFAS
Journée sur l'environnement sous le thème:
Bien vivre au Campus de l'UFAS
Le 1er Mars 2023 Ã l'Auditorium Nait BELKACEM
A partir de 09h00
الملتقى الوطني الاÙتراضي Øول اتجاهات الانÙاق الصØÙŠ وتØديات التمويل ÙÙŠ الجزائر
27 Ø£Ùريل 2023 | جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطي٠1 كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير Ùريق مشروع البØØ« التكويني PRFU Øول: ÙƒÙاءة الانÙاق العمومي على قطاع الصØØ© ÙÙŠ الجزائر-بناء نموذج بالاعتماد على مقاربة المؤشرات الأساسية ينظمون الملتقى الوطني الاÙتراضي Øول: اتجاهات الانÙاق الصØÙŠ وتØديات التمويل ÙÙŠ الجزائر  |
الملتقى الوطني الاÙتراضي Øول اتجاهات الانÙاق الصØÙŠ وتØديات التمويل ÙÙŠ الجزائر
April 27, 2023 – April 28, 2023الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية الجزائرية
وزارة التعليم العالي والبØØ« العلمي
جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطي٠1
كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير
Ùريق مشروع البØØ« التكويني PRFU Øول:
ÙƒÙاءة الانÙاق العمومي على قطاع الصØØ© ÙÙŠ الجزائر-بناء نموذج بالاعتماد على مقاربة المؤشرات الأساسية
ينظمون الملتقى الوطني الاÙتراضي Øول:
اتجاهات الانÙاق الصØÙŠ وتØديات التمويل ÙÙŠ الجزائر
الملتقى الوطني الاÙتراضي Øول " رأس المال الÙكري ودوره ÙÙŠ دعم وتطوير ريادية الأعمال "
 01 Ùˆ02 مارس 2023  | جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطي٠1 كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير بالشراكة مع مخبر الدراسات والبØوث التسويقية والاقتصادية تنظم Ùرقة البØØ«: الاستثمار ÙÙŠ رأس المال الÙكري ودوره ÙÙŠ تØسين وترقية أداء وظيÙØ© التسويق داخل المؤسسة الاقتصادية الملتقى الوطني الاÙتراضي Øول " رأس المال الÙكري ودوره ÙÙŠ دعم وتطوير ريادية الأعمال " |
الملتقى الوطني الاÙتراضي Øول " رأس المال الÙكري ودوره ÙÙŠ دعم وتطوير ريادية الأعمال "
March 1, 2023 – March 2, 2023جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطي٠1
كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير بالشراكة مع مخبر الدراسات والبØوث التسويقية والاقتصادية
تنظم Ùرقة البØØ«: الاستثمار ÙÙŠ رأس المال الÙكري ودوره ÙÙŠ تØسين وترقية أداء وظيÙØ© التسويق داخل المؤسسة الاقتصادية
المزمع انعقاده ÙÙŠ01 Ùˆ02 مارس 2023
تقنية التØاضر عن بعد(Google Meet)
ندوة وطنية اÙتراضية بعنوان دور الاصلاØات المصرÙية ÙÙŠ تطوير القطاع المصرÙÙŠ وتعزيز الشمول المالي
16 ÙÙŠÙري 2023 | جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطي٠1 تنظم كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير بالتعاون مع Ùرقة بØØ« PRFU: رقم F02N01UN190120200006 مخبر الشراكة والاستثمار ÙÙŠ المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة ÙÙŠ الÙضاء الأورو مغاربي ندوة وطنية اÙتراضية بعنوان: دور الاصلاØات المصرÙية ÙÙŠ تطوير القطاع المصرÙÙŠ وتعزيز الشمول المالي   |
دور الاصلاØات المصرÙية ÙÙŠ تطوير القطاع المصرÙÙŠ وتعزيز الشمول المالي
February 16, 2023 – February 17, 2023الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية الجزائرية
وزارة التعليم العالي والبØØ« العلمي
جامعة ÙرØات عباس سطي٠1
تنظم كلية العلوم الاقتصادية والتجارية وعلوم التسيير بالتعاون مع
Ùرقة بØØ« PRFU: رقم F02N01UN190120200006
مخبر الشراكة والاستثمار ÙÙŠ المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة ÙÙŠ الÙضاء الأورو مغاربي
ندوة وطنية اÙتراضية بعنوان:
دور الاصلاØات المصرÙية ÙÙŠ تطوير القطاع المصرÙÙŠ وتعزيز الشمول المالي
يوم 16  ÙÙŠÙري 2023
الرئيس الشرÙÙŠ للندوة الوطنية: الأستاذ الدكتور لطرش Ù…Øمد الهادي  رئيس الجامعة
المشر٠العام للندوة الوطنية: د. بورقبة شوقي عميد الكلية
رئيس الندوة الوطنية: د. Ùالي نبيلة
National Conference on Mathematics and Applications (NCMA 2023)
15-16 Mai 2023 | L'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif, la faculté des Sciences , le département de Mathématique; les laboratoires LaMA & LMFN organisent The National Conference On Mathentics & Applications (NCMA2023), conference tenue à l'auditorium Mouloud Kacem NAIT BELKACEM- El Bez , les 15 & 16 Mai 2023 |
National Conference on Mathematics and Applications (NCMA 2023)
May 15, 2023 – May 16, 2023Â
Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University
Faculty of Sciences
LaMA & LMFN Laboratories
The National Conference On Mathematics & Applications (NCMA2023)
May 15-16 , 2023 at Mouloud Kacem NAIT BELKACEM- El Bez
With great pleasure, the Organizing Committee announces the call for full texte submission and school application for The National Conference On Mathematics & Applications (NCMA2023), to be held at Ferhat Abbas-Seitf1 University, in Setif, Algeria, from 15 to 16 May 2023.
The conference will include plenary sessions with conferences presented by eminent scientists, and an orally /Â poster sessions covering the different conference topics.Â
The Colloquium will focus on the following main themes:
- Differential equations (ODE, PDE).
- Dynamical systems.
- Modeling and optimization.
- Mathematical methods for physics.
- Applications of mathematics: Biomathematics, Fractional calculation, etc.
- Algebra and geometry
To download the conference template :
Abstracts and Registration Form Submission opening January 1 st, 2023
Abstracts Submissions deadline February 20th, 2023
Notification of Acceptance Date April 15 th, 2023
Conference Days May 15-16 th, 2023
To download the National Conference on Mathematics and Applications “NCMA 23†program please click HERE
- Differential equations (ODE, PDE).
تقييم نظام سعر الصر٠ÙÙŠ الجزائر بين تلاØÙ‚ الصدمات النÙطية وأهمية التوازنات الاقتصادية الكلية
09 مارس 2023 | انطلاقاً من العلاقة المتشابكة بين مختل٠ترتيبات أسعار الصر٠وتأثيراتها على مؤشرات الأداء الاقتصادي الكلي، وصعوبة الØسم على Ø£Ùضلية نظام معين على Øساب آخر. تبرز أهمية هذا الملتقى من خلال الإشكالية الرئيسية التالية:
هل يعتبر نظام سعر الصر٠المعتمد ÙÙŠ الجزائر (الØر المدار) Ùعالا للتخÙي٠من الصدمات النÙطية وتØقيق التوازنات الاقتصادية الكلية؟ |
تقييم نظام سعر الصر٠ÙÙŠ الجزائر بين تلاØÙ‚ الصدمات النÙطية وأهمية التوازنات الاقتصادية الكلية
March 9, 2023 – March 10, 2023
14 Décembre 2022 | l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif, le FORUM des Femmes de l'UFAS , organise une Journée : entreprenariat au Féminin: Quel devenir pour l'étudiante de l'UFAS ? Le 14 décembre 2022 à l'auditorium Nait BELKACEM à partir de 09h 00 du matin. |
- December 14, 2022 – December 14, 2022
International Conference and School on Radiation Imaging and Nuclear Medicine
11-15 June, 2023 | L'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1, La faculté des Sciences, Département de Physique, Organise "The 2nd International Conference and School on Radiation Imaging and Nuclear Medicine (ICSRI-2023)", du 11 au 15 Juin 2021, site El BEZ. |
International Conference and School on Radiation Imaging (ICSRI)
June 11, 2023 – June 15, 2023Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Physics
Laboratory of Dosing, Analysis and Characterization in high resolution
With great pleasure, the Organizing Committee announces the first call for abstract submission and school application for the 2nd International Conference and School on Radiation Imaging and Nuclear Medicine(ICSRI-2023), tobe held at Ferhat Abbas-Seitf1 University, in Setif, Algeria, from 11 to 15Â JUNE, 2023. The conference is supported by the Algerian Nuclear Commission (COMENA).
The conference will include plenary sessionswith conferences presented by eminent scientists, and orally and in poster sessions covering the different conference topics.
The invited talks will be chosen to reviewrecent advances in different areas covered by the conference.
The conference will be followed by a three (3) days school for doctorate students and newly qualified academics and researchers in the field of radiation imaging and applications (20 participants max.). The program of the school will include lectures and practical sessions on five topics:1. Monte Carlo simulations in molecular imaging and dosimetry
2. Advanced anthropomorphic computational models
3. Medical lasers- Physics, clinical applications and safety management
4. Artificial intelligence in medical image processing
5. Transmission computed tomography
The conference papers will be published in a special issue of a peer reviewed international journal which will be announced soon.
Call for Papers
Important dates
- Registration and Abstract Submission Opening: 1stDecember 2022
- Abstract Submission Deadline: 10th May 2023
- Acceptance Notification : 20th March to 20th May 2023
The conference Language is English
International Environmental Engineering Workshop IWEE22
December 03 -04, 2022 | The 2nd International Environmental Engineering Workshop (IWEE2022) will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria, on December 03th -04th, 2022 Chemical and environmental engineering is a multidisciplinary branch of applied engineering consisting of the application of physical science (Chemistry & Physics), life sciences including water treatment with applied mathematics and economics to produce transform and use of water, materials, energy to protect the water and the environment. It is the applied engineering dealing with the treatment process of water and air. |
December 3, 2022 – December 4, 2022Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University
جامعة فرحات عباس سطيف1
Faculty of Technology
The Second International Workshop On Environmental Engineering (IWEE22)
December 03 &04, 2022 , Auditorium SALAH KERMI, UFAS1, Setif
The 2nd International Environmental Engineering Workshop (IWEE2022) will be held at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY, Setif, Algeria,
Chemical and environmental engineering is a multidisciplinary branch of applied engineering consisting of the application of physical science (Chemistry & Physics), life sciences including water treatment with applied mathematics and economics to produce transform and use of water, materials, energy to protect the water and the environment. It is the applied engineering dealing with the treatment process of water and air.
The Second Environmental Engineering Workshop (IWEE2022) is to emerging technologies and scientific advancements in Chemical Engineering and its applications with an objective to encourage young minds and their research abilities by providing an opportunity to meet the experts in the field of Chemical Engineering, environment and water treatment. This conference (IWEE2022) provides an ideal platform for industrial practitioners and academia to keep up to date with current technology trends, interact with industry experts and network with peers.
In this context, 04 central themes will be discussed at this scientific event:
- Solid state pollutants and recycling
- Advanced oxydation precssus in water treatment
- Environmental engineering and green materials
- Modeling and simulation processes in Environmental Engineering
To participate to our Workshop you are invited to registration via our platform by creating a personal account on this web site.
You can download the abstract template and follow the instructions HERE
To make an Registration or Submit your contribution please click HERE
Selected papers will be published in one of these two journals:
1- Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences JMES, ISSN(Print): 2289-4659; e-ISSN: 2231-8380 (indexed by: Thomson Reuters /Scopus -Elsevier) : Faculty of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering Technology, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 26600 Pekan, Pahang, MALAYSIA
2-Indonesian Journal of Materials Science, 1411-1098 (print), 2614-087X (online) : Center for Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, BATAN, Indonesia.IMPORTANT DATES
DEADLINES Abstract submission OCTOBER 31, 2022 Notification of acceptance NOVEMBER 12 ,2022 Confirmation of participation NOVEMBER 24 ,2022 The organizing committee has decided to postpone the dates for submissions as follows:
November 06 th, 2022 : Final extended abstract Submission Deadline
- Solid state pollutants and recycling
International Forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences
November 26 -27, 2022 Reported until 06 May 2023 | The 1st edition of the International Forum of Pharmaceutical Sciences will be held at the Parc Mall, Setif, Algeria, on November 26th and 27th, 2022 ( reported until 06 may 2023). Over the past two years, the pharmacy landscape in Algeria has witnessed important and remarkable milestones. The later were the creation of a ministry dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry, the authorization of vaccination against COVID-19 in community pharmacies and recently the vaccination against seasonal flu and the creation of the Faculty of Pharmacy. Academic studies play an essential role in the development of competent healthcare professionals capable of meeting the public health needs; pharmacists thus play a key role in ensuring the effective and responsible use of medicines. |
Ferhat ABBAS Sétif1 University
جامعة فرحات عباس سطيف1
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Pharmacy and Laboratory of Biotechnology and Genomics in Medical Sciencesin collaboration with The CHU Setif
The 1st International Forum Of Pharmaceutical Sciences:
Academic, professional careers and research in pharmaceutical sciences
November 26 & 27th,REPORTED UNTIL MAY 2023 At Park mall hotel, Setif
Over the past two years, the pharmacy landscape in Algeria has witnessed important and remarkable milestones.
The later were the creation of a ministry dedicated to the pharmaceutical industry, the authorization of vaccination against COVID-19 in community pharmacies and recently the vaccination against seasonal flu and the creation of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
Academic studies play an essential role in the development of competent healthcare professionals capable of meeting the public health needs; pharmacists thus play a key role in ensuring the effective and responsible use of medicines. In addition, research and development still play an important role in the improvement and innovation of sciences, especially the pharmaceutical sciences.
In this context, three central themes will be discussed at this scientific event:
- The university studies in the field of pharmaceutical sciences;
-The different career paths available to graduates in pharmaceutical sciences;
- Research and development in pharmaceutical sciences.
Registration and login are required to participate to our Forum
To participate to our Forum you are invited to registration via our platform by creating a personal account as a reader statut
To download the Forum Call of Paper in EN-PDF format CLICK HERE
To download the Forum Call of Paper in EN-PNG format CLICK HERE
To download the Forum Call of Paper in FR-PDF format CLICK HERE
To download the Forum Call of Paper in FR-PNG format CLICK HERE
Deadline Registration or abstract submission October 1st-25th, 2022 Notification of acceptation November 5th, 2022 Confirmation of participation or poster submission November 10th, 2022
International Conference of Optics ICO2022
November 26 -27, 2022 Reported until 06 May 2023 | The 5th edition of the International Conference of Optics ICO2022 will be held at Ferhat Abbas University, Setif1, Algeria, on December 4th and 5th, 2022. This fifth conference will bring together academics, researchers and industrials from all over the world. The aim of the conference is to provide an international forum for experts to promote, share, and discuss various issues and development in the field of optics and photonics. |
December 4, 2022 – December 5, 2022
International Conference in Metrology and Industrial Control ICMIC2022
November 29 -30, 2022 | International Conference in Metrology and Industrial Control will be held on November 29-30th, 2022 at the mouloud kacem nait |
November 29, 2022 – November 30, 2022Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1
جامعة فرحات عباس سطيف1
Institut d'Optique et Mécanique de Précision
معهد البصريات و ميكانيك الدقة
International Conference in Metrology and Industrial Control
(ICMIC 2022)
International Conference in Metrology and Industrial Control will be held on November 29-30th, 2022 at the mouloud kacem nait belkacem auditorium, Elbez campus. Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University , Algeria.
This conference will bring together academics and industrials from all over the world.
The conference aims to provide an international forum for experts to promote, share, and discuss various issues and development in the field.
Papers are invited on all topics related to metrology and industrial control, including:
T1. Standardization and quality evaluation
T2. Optical Metrology
T3. Nanotechnology measurements
T4. Acoustic and electronic metrology
T5. Recent measurement techniques in: mechanics, physics, chemistry, pharmacy, health, food industry, environment and energy
T6. Monitoring, diagnosis and prognosis techniques
T7. Industrial maintenance management
Papers submission
Extended abstracts written in English, French or Arabic, which describe new contributions to the conference topics, are solicited.
Each author is requested to submit an extended abstract (2 pages A4 max) online via the following link according to the template downloaded from the website:
English, French and Arabic are the official languages of the conference.
To download the Conference CALL OF PAPER -PDF FORMAT- please click here
Important Date
September 11th, 2022 : First call for paper ICMIC 2022
October 15th, 2022 : Final extended abstract Submission Deadline
November 10 th,2022 final extented abstract submission deadline
November 28-99 th, 2022 : November 29-30th, 2022 : Conference Days
To down load the conference ABSTRACT BOOK please click HERE
3rd International Symposium on the Geology of the Maghrebides chain and adjacent areas
07&08 DECEMBER 2022 | This seminar is intended as an exchange and debate between researchers interested in space syntax and as an investigative tool in understanding the different modes of use of architectural and urban space. |
3rd International Symposium on the Geology of the Maghrebides chain and adjacent areas
Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences (IAST),
Ferhat Abbas University, Setif (Algeria) and
Centre of Research in Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Geophysics (CRAAG)
3rd International Symposium on the Geology of the Maghrebides chain and adjacent areas
CIGCM 2022
December 3-6, 2022 , Setif, Algeria
Honorary chairman of the Seminar: Pr. Mohamed El-Hadi LATRECHE
(Rector of the University of Setif 1)
Symposium Chairs :
Pr Moulley Charaf Chabou, Director of IAST,Ferhat Abbas University, Setif , Algeria.
Pr Abdelkrim Yelles Chaouche, Director of CRAAG
1ST International Seminar Space syntax Theories and Applications
November 26 -27, 2022 Reported until 06 May 2023 | This seminar is intended as an exchange and debate between researchers interested in space syntax and as an investigative tool in understanding the different modes of use of architectural and urban space. |
1ST International Seminar Space syntax Theories and Applications
December 7, 2022 – December 8, 2022University of Ferhat Abbas, Setif 1
The Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences
Laboratory of Housing and Environment
(Research team: Housing and Space Syntax)
The 1ST International Seminar:
Space syntax: Theories and Applications
December 07-08, 2022
Honorary chairman of the Seminar: Pr. Mohamed El-Hadi LATRECHE
(Rector of the University of Setif 1)
President of the Seminar: Dr. Abdelhalim ASSASSI
Appel à Communication Poster (FR)
إعلان الملتقى الملصق (عربي)
Fees of the participation:
- Algerian research professors: 10 000,00 DA.
- Foreign research professors: 150 EU.
- Professionals: 15 000,00 DA.
- Non-salaried PhD students: 5 000,00 DA.
- The participation fees concern: coffee breaks, lunches, and seminar bag: bag, notebook, pen, badge, and certificate of participation.
- Travel and accommodation will be the responsibility of the participants.
The responsibles of the International Seminar "Space Syntax: Theories and Applications" announce the extension of the deadline for receipt of abstracts until August 31, 2022.
مدير الموارد البشرية كفاءات مطلوبة لأدوار جديدة في المؤسسة الاقتصادية الجزائرية
22 & 23 May 2021 | ينظم قسم علوم التسيير بالتعاون مع: " وحدة بحث في تنمية الموارد البشرية URDRU " ملتقى وطني حول: مدير الموارد البشرية كفاءات مطلوبة لأدوار جديدة في المؤسسة الاقتصادية الجزائرية "ماي 2021" |
- May 22, 2021 – May 23, 2021
El HORA succeeds
08 & 09 March 2022 | Journée Entreprenariat au Féminin : El HORA réussitL'enracinement est peut-étre le besoin le plus important et le plus méconnu de l'éme humaine. Simone Weil |
- March 8, 2022 – March 9, 2022
Ma thése en 180 secondes
Février-Mars  2022 | L'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 lance l'appel a participation au concours à  Ma thése en 180 secondes , édition de l'année 2022. Cette compétition s'adresse aux doctorants réguliérement inscrits durant l'année universitaire 2021-2022 et aux jeunes docteurs ayant soutenu leurs théses de doctorat durant les années civiles 2019, 2020 ou 2021. Lors de cette compétition, le candidat présentera sa thése d'une maniére convaincante tout en mettant en relief l'importance de son projet de recherche vis-à -vis de la société en général.  Le concours aura lieu en février - mars 2022 alors que le dernier délai pour le dépét des candidatures en ligne est fixé au 31 janvier 2022. |
1er Séminaire National sur La Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles et de l'Environnement
16 30 MARS 2022 | La Faculté des Sciences de la Vie, laboratoire de Valorisation des Ressources Naturelles , de l'université Sétif 1, à l'honneur d'organiser un Séminaire via Google Meet ,le 30 Mars 2022. |
- March 30, 2022 – March 31, 2022
The importance of implementing social marketing initiatives in influencing audience behavior
March 16th,17th 2022 | International Conference on: "The importance of implementing social marketing initiatives in influencing audience behavior" Study and analysis of awareness campaigns in the field On March 16-17, 2022. |
The importance of implementing social marketing initiatives in influencing audience behavior
March 16, 2022 – March 17, 2022People’s Democratic and Republic of Algeria
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific
Ferhat Abbas University- Setif1
Faculty of Economics, Business and
Management Sciences
Department of Commercial Sciences
And Research Laboratory PIEEM:
In cooperation with
The Civil Protection and the Security Directorate of Sétif
The importance of implementing social marketing initiatives in influencing audience behavior
- Study and analysis of awareness campaigns in the field.
16,17 MARCH 2022
President of the conference
Dr. Sofiane Messalta
3ème Colloque International d'Optométrie
- December 6, 2021 – December 6, 2021
Alternatives for the diversification of the Algerian economy: Outlook 2030
13-14 MARS 2022 | The First International Virtual Conference on: Tourism Economy in Algeria: " A mechanism for economic diversification and its development perspectives in the light of contemporary global developments " On MARS 13-14, 2022. |
L'Importance du Renforcement du Système Immunitaire De Nos Concytoyens
- June 17, 2021 – June 18, 2021
International Meeting on Neutron Physics and Applications
08 & 09 March 2022 | L'Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 , La faculté des Sciences, Département de Physique, Organise The International Meeting on Neutron Physics and Applications IMNPA'2020, 13 Avril 2020, site El BEZ |
April 13, 2020 – April 14, 2020
Ferhat Abbas Sétif1 University
Faculty of Sciences, Department of Physics
International Meeting on Neutron Physics and Applications "IMNPA-2020"
April 13, 2020
Auditorium Mouloud Kasam Nait-Belkacem, University Ferhat ABBAS -Sétif 1,
With great pleasure, the Organizing Committee announces the first International meeting on neutron physics and applications (IMNPA-2020), to be held at Ferhat Abbas-Setif1 University, in Setif, Algeria, in April 13, 2020.
The meeting will include plenary sessions with conferences presented by eminent scientists and researchers, in orally and poster sessions covering the different conference topics.The invited talks will be chosen to review recent advances in different areas covered by the meeting.
Download Call for Papers
20-23 AVRIL 2020 | L'Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 ,l'Institut d'Architecture et des Sciences de la Terre IAST,Département de géographie ,Organise Un Workshop de géographie méditeranniénne sur la Géologie WMG 2020 ,du 20 au 23 Avril 2020, site El BEZ |
April 20, 2020 – April 23, 2020Ferhat Abbas University, Setif 1
Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences
Department of Earth Sciences
The Mediterranean basin is one of the most complex regions on the Earth, with wide geographic diversity, a long history and very dynamic and changing socio-environmental processes.
The Workshop on Mediterranean Geography (and related sciences), consists of 10 sessions on different topics of geography with a modern approach.
It is organized by the Institute of Architecture and Earth Sciences of Ferhat Abbas University, Sétif 1, in collaboration with the University of Barcelona, and with the participation of several researchers from other Spanish, Algerian and Moroccan universities.
The topics of this workshop aim to discuss and propose solutions to the geographic problems, both environmental and socioeconomic, of the Western Mediterranean countries in the context of global change.
Important dates
Submission of abstracts: Before 15-03-2020
Notifications and programme : 20-03-2020
Opening of the workshop : 20-04-2020
1st International Conference and School on Radiation Imaging ICSRI-2021
26-30 Septembre, 2021 | L'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 , La faculté des Sciences, Département de Physique, Organise The 1st International Conference and School on Radiation Imaging (ICSRI-2021), du 26 au 30 Septembre 2021 , site El BEZ |
1st International Conference and School on Radiation Imaging ICSRI-2021
September 26, 2021 – September 30, 2021
Ferhat Abbas Setif1 University
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Physics
Laboratory of Dosing, Analysis and Characterization in high resolution
With great pleasure, the Organizing Committee announces the first call for abstract submission and school application for the 1st International Conference and School on Radiation Imaging (ICSRI-2020), tobe held at Ferhat Abbas-Seitf1 University, in Setif, Algeria, from 26 to 30 September, 2021. The conference is supported by the Algerian Nuclear Commission (COMENA).
The conference will include plenary sessionswith conferences presented by eminent scientists, and orally and in poster sessions covering the different conference topics.
The invited talks will be chosen to reviewrecent advances in different areas covered by the conference.
The conference will be followed by a three (3) days school for doctorate students and newly qualified academics and researchers in the field of radiation imaging and applications (20 participants max.). The program of the school will include lectures and practical sessions on three topics:1. X-ray tomography,
2.Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and
3. Image processing in Radiation Imaging.
The conference papers will be published in a special issue of a peer reviewed international journal which will be announced soon.
Considering the impact that the current COVID-19 pandemic has on travel and event restrictions, The ICSRI-2021 will be organized as follows:--> Conference: Virtually by videoconference
--> School: Face-to-face in classroom and laboratory
Call for Papers
Important dates
Registration and Abstract Submission Opening: February 1, 2021
Abstract Submission Deadline: August 20, 2021
Acceptance notification : September 1, 2021
The conference Language is English
International Conference on Materials Science ICMS2020
07-09 October 2020  | Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1, l'Unité de Recherche Matériaux Emergents, organise, LES PREMIERES JOURNEES D'ETUDES TECHNOLOGIQUES SUR LES MATERIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION , Ces journées sont programmées les 26 et 27 novembre 2019 Sétif. Des ateliers, des conférences pléniaires et des exposés oraux ou sous forme d'affiches seront assurés par des professionnels, des doctorants, des enseignants chercheurs et des institutionnels. |
International Conference on Materials Science ICMS2020
October 7, 2020 – October 9, 2020Ferhat ABBAS Sétif1 University
Faculty of Sciences
Laboratory of Surfaces & Interfaces Studies of Solid Materials (LESIMS)
International Conference on Materials Science
ICMS 2020
Dear ICMS2020 Participants,
Considering the health situation in which our country finds itself, like other regions of the world, and taking into account the directive of the General Directorate for Scientific Research and Technological Development only allowing the organization of WEBINARS, we are forced to announce the postponement of our ICMS2020 Conference to a later date.
P.S. So far, the acceptance/rejection notifications relating to 3 topics have been sent to their recipients,those for the remaining 5 topics will be sent during these 2 weeks.
Best regards
On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, we have the great pleasure of hosting the ICMS2020 event in the marvelous city of Setif, Algeria, from 7-9 October 2020.This event is planned to gather scientists and researchers to present and discuss up to date research and advances in the field of emergent and functional materials. The Conference provides an ideal environment and platform for delegates to share their findings and exchange knowledge on the recent developments and ever-growing industrial applications.
The ICMS2020 Conference is also aimed towards students involved in the above area; giving them the opportunity to evaluate and boost their research activity. The Conference will cover the following main topics: Materials and thin films synthesis, Characterizations and Applications, Soft Condensed Matter, Magnetic Materials, Semiconductor Materials, Optoelectronic Materials, Nanomaterials, Functional Materials, and Computational Material Science. An associated exhibition will also be held, under the management of our sponsors, for presentation of modern products-and researches- which promotes exchanges of experiences between industrials and scientists.
As for the precedent edition of ICMS2018, this event ICMS2020 is expected to attract around 400 participants with plenary, half-plenary, invited, contributed oral and poster presentations.
The Conference will be held in Maâbouda Campus, Ferhat ABBAS SETIF1 University.
ICMS2020 Conference Director
On behalf of Organizing and Scientific Committees
International Conference on Materials Science ICMS2018
September 12, 2018 – September 14, 2018Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing and Scientific Committees, we are very happy to invite you warmly to participate in the International Conference on Materials Science ICMS2018 to be held in SETIF, ALGERIA, during September 12-14, 2018.This event ICMS2018 has been planned to present up to date research and results in the field of emergent and functional materials. The Conference also provides an occasion for the delegates to share their findings, and exchange advanced ideas and applications to establish a fruitful research and business relationship with each other. Indeed, it is a platform for the researchers to find global partners for future collaboration.
ICMS2018 provides a productive platform with a motivating strength for material scientists, solid state physicists, chemists, engineers, technologists... The main conference topics consist of Materials and thin films synthesis, characterizations and applications, Soft Condensed Matter, Magnetic Materials, Semiconductor Materials, Optoelectronic Materials, Nanomaterials, Functional Materials, and Computational Material Science. An associated exhibition will also be held under the management of our sponsors for presentation of modern products and researches, to promote exchanges of experiences between industrials and scientists.
ICMS2018 is expected to attract around 400 participants with plenary, half-plenary, invited, contributed oral and poster presentations.
ICMS2018 will be held in Maâbouda Campus, Faculty of Technology, Ferhat ABBAS University SETIF1.
We look forward to welcoming you all in SETIF, ALGERIA, during the pleasantest Indian summer.
Sincerely yours,
ICMS2018 Conference Director
On behalf of Organizing and Scientific Committees .
- November 26, 2019 – November 27, 2019
Atelier sur les Centres d'appui a la technologie et a l'innovation (CATI)
- October 22, 2019 – October 23, 2019
The 2nd Algerian-German International Conference on New Technologies and their applications (AGICNT)
The First Intercontinental Congress of Pediatric Urology
les 15 & 16 Octobre 2019 | l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 , La Faculté de médecine , en collaboration avec le Laboratoire de recherche sur les maladies cardiovasculaires, génétiques et nutritionnelles et la chirurgie pédiatrique - hôpital spécialisé en soins maternels et infantiles - EL EULMA organisent le premier congrès intercontinental d'urologie pédiatrique les 15 et 16 octobre. 2019 Sétif en Algérie, Cet événement scientifique réunira des experts algériens et étrangers. |
The First Intercontinental Congress of Pediatric Urology
October 15, 2019 – October 16, 2019FERHAT ABBAS SETIF1 UNIVERSITY (UFAS1)
The Faculty of Medicine of Ferhat ABBAS Sétif1 University in collaboration with the Laboratory of Research for Cardiovascular ,Genetic and Nutritional Diseases and Pediatric Surgery Department - Specialized Mother and Child Hospital - EL EULMA are organizing the First Intercontinental Congress of Pediatric Urology on October 15-16. 2019 in Setif Algeria.
This scientific event will bring together Algerian and foreign experts.
To Down load the Congress Program
Welcome to all of you
Prof Souhem TOUABTI
December 17, 2019 – December 18, 2019Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1
Faculty of Téchnology
17 & 18 December 2019, site El MAABOUDA
The International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Automatic Control (ICEEAC'19) is one of the leading international conferences for presenting novel and fundamental advances in the fields of electrical engineering and automatic control. The idea of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry. The objective of the conference is not only the exchange of knowledge and experience, since the conference is an open door to students, but also provides opportunities for researchers to target future collaboration on current issues. Authors from academia as well as industry working within the scope of the conference subjects are invited to submit their papers.
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: July 30, 2019; Postponed until November 28, 2019
Author notification: December 05, 2019
Final paper Submission: November 28, 2019
Welcome to All of You!
The third edition of the International Conference of Mechanics and Materials ICMM'2019
November 14 to 15, 2019 | The third edition of the International Conference of Mechanics and Materials ICMM'2019 will be held at Ferhat Abbas University Setif 1, Algeria, from November 14 to 15, 2019. This third conference will bring together academics and industrials from all over the world. The aim of the conference is to provide an international forum for experts to promote, share, and discuss various issues and development in the field. |
The third edition of the International Conference of Mechanics and Materials ICMM’2019
November 11, 2019 – November 12, 2019Ferhat Abbas Setif 1 University (UFAS1)
Institut Optique et Mécanique de Précision (IOMP)
"The third International Conference of Mechanics and Materials ICMM'2019"
The third edition of the International Conference of Mechanics and Materials ICMM'2019 will be held at Ferhat Abbas Setif 1 University , Algeria, from November 11 to 12, 2019.
This third conference will bring together academics and industrials from all over the world.
The aim of the conference is to provide an international forum for experts to promote, share, and discuss various issues and development in the field.
Papers are invited on all topics related to aspects of precision mechanics and materials including:Theme A Theme B T. A1. Modelisation of mechanical systems
T. A2. Metrology in mechanics
T. A3. Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing CAD/CAM
T. A4. Reliability and condition monitoring
T. B1. Metallic materials for engineering
T. B2. Glass, ceramics and composites
T. B3. Tribology, fracture and fatigue
T. B4. Materials development and applications
Welcome to all of youMr Semchedine FEDALA
First International Workshop on Enviromental Engineering
16 & 17 November 2019 | l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 , la faculté de Téchnologie, Département Génie des Procédés , Organise un workshop international First International Workshop on Enviromental Engineering (IWEE'2019) 16 & 17 Novembre 2019. |
First International Workshop on Enviromental Engineering
November 16, 2019 – November 17, 2019Â
Ferhat ABBAS Sétif1 University
Department of Process Engineering
The First International Workshop On Environmental Engineering (IWEE 2019)
We are delighted to announce that the First International Workshop on Environmental Engineering 2019 (IWEE 2019) will be held on the 16th and 17th of November 2019 at the Department of Process Engineering of the Faculty of Technology, in Ferhat ABBAS Setif 1 University, Setif, Algeria.
The focus of the workshop is on the development in the environmental issues and the program was launched with a view to provide a platform for the academicians, researchers and Entrepreneurs with different backgrounds to interact and share their research findings and discuss new ideas in the field. Several thematic topics on the environment in the form of plenary talks, oral short talks, posters will be presented as well as stands.
To download the workshop Template click HER
To download the workshop submission guide click HER
Important dates
abstracts submission deadline 31 may 2019 31 jully 2019
Notification of Acceptance 30 june 2019 10 august 2019
Registrations 16,17 November 2019
Welcome to All of you!
Dr Derradji CHEBLI
4ème journée d'études "Physique Médicale à Sétif"
17 Octobre 2018 | La Faculté des Sciences de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue de la 4ème journée d'études "Physique Médicale à Sétif" , le 17 Octobre 2018, au niveau de l'auditorium Nait Belkacem, site El BEZ. |
- October 27, 2019 – October 27, 2019
- October 8, 2018 – October 8, 2018
International Workshop on Polymeric Materials 2019
November 23, 2019 – November 24, 2019FERHAT ABBAS Setif1 University UFAS1
Department of Process Engineering
Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Hauts Polymères
Laboratoire Préparation, Modification et Application des Matériaux Polymériques et Multiphasiques
International Workshop on Polymeric Materials 201923-24 November 2019
Dear colleagues
The International Workshop on Polymeric Materials 2019 (IWPM 2019) will be held on 23rd-25th November 2019 at the Department of Processes Engineering of the Faculty of Technology, in Ferhat Abbas University Sétif 1, Sétif, Algeria.
The workshop will bring together polymer scientists with different background, either from industry or academy, to discuss the challenges and the interplay of multidisciplinary aspects of polymer science and technology.
It will host many distinguished academic personalities from home and abroad as well as industrial leaders and new entrepreneurs across the country as speakers and participants. This meeting will also provide a platform for many young researchers and students to learn about the advancement in the field of polymer fundamentals and engineering. So, this gathering will be the opportunity which provides an environment for participants to get together and share their ideas on a variety of subjects in several thematic topics of polymer science and technology in the form plenary talks, oral short talks, posters presentation and stands.Finally, I hope you will be able to join us this coming November as we will gather to explore the diverse and exciting ramifications of polymer science and technology and their impact on our everyday life
- JUNE 15 th 2019 : Deadline for submission abstracts and registration's forms.
- The deadline for abstractcs submission is reported until  August 30 th 2019
- SEPTEMBER 10 th 2019: Notification of acceptance.
- SEPTEMBER 20 th 2019: Confirmation of paticipation
Welcome to all of You !
Professor HADDAOUI Nacerddine
Workshop Chairman
Un Workshop sur la Géologie du Quaternaire de l'Algérie « QUATAL »
04 & 05 Décembre 2019 | l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 , l'Institut d'Architecture et des Sciences de la Terre IAST, L'Agence du Service Géologique de l'Algérie & Le Comité de Stratigraphie de l'Algérie , Organisent Un Workshop sur la Géologie du Quaternaire de l'Algérie « QUATAL » les 04 & 05 Décembre 2019 , site El BEZ. |
- December 4, 2019 – December 5, 2019
- March 18, 2019 – March 19, 2019
Le 3éme regroupement local des clubs scientifiques
18 Février 2019 | l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 , l' IOMP, le Club scientifique HOLOVISION organise le 18 Février 2019, le 3éme regroupement local des clubs scientifiques sous le Slogan ALGERIE PAYS DES SACRIFICES. |
Championat régional universitaire
06 au 16 Fevrier 2019 | l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 , la ville universitaire de Sétif Organise le championat régional universitaire de FOOT BALL et de HAND BALL du 06 au 16 Février 2019. |
Les Impacts économiques, sociaux et environnomentaux du recyclage des déchets dans le cadre du developpement durable
29 & 30 avril 2019 Reporter au 10 & 11 juin 2019 | l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 , la faculté des sciences économiques et sciences de la gestion , Organise un colloque international sur les Impacts économiques, sociaux et environnomentaux du recyclage des déchets dans le cadre de l'application des pricipes du developpement durable les 10 & 11 juin 2019, site El BEZ. |
- June 10, 2019 – June 11, 2019
6éme Journée d'Etudes du PAI-Lait de Sétif
13 DECEMBRE 2018 | ASSOCIATION PROFESSIONNELLE ET SCIENTIFIQUE "PÔLE AGROALIMENTAIRE INTEGRE DE LA FILIERE LAIT" DE LA WILAYA DE SETIF, l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 sont ravies de vous informer de la tenue d'une journée d'étude Nationale "Qualité et Innovation", le 13 DECEMBRE 2018, au niveau de l'auditorium Nait Belkacem, site El BEZ. |
Journées d'études "Optimisation continue et combinatoire: Méthodes et Applications"
02-03 DECEMBRE 2018 | Le Département de Mathématique de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue de journées d'études "Optimisation continue et combinatoire: Méthodes et Applications" , les 02-03 DECEMBRE 2018, au niveau de l'auditorium Nait Belkacem, site El BEZ. |
Second Colloque International sur la géologie de la chaine Maghrébides et des régions voisines CIGCM 2018
04-05 et 06 DECEMBRE 2018 | L'Institut d'Architecture et des Sciences de la Terre de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue du "second Colloque International sur la géologie de la chaine Maghrébides et des régions voisines CIGCM 2018" , les 04 , 05 et 06 Décembre 2018, au niveau de l'Institut d'Architecture et des Sciences de la Terre, site El BEZ. |
- December 4, 2018 – December 6, 2018
Colloque International sur la "Sécurité alimentaire et developpement durable en milieu semi-aride
08-10 Dévembre 2018 | la Faculté Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue d'un Colloque International sur la "Sécurité alimentaire et developpement durable en milieu semi-aride" ,du 08-10 Décembre 2018, au niveau de l'auditorium Nait BELKACEM, site El BEZ. |
- December 8, 2018 – December 10, 2018
Journées d'études "1St Meeting on Monte Carlo Simulations in Radiation PhysicsMMCSRA2018
31 octobre 2018 | Le Département de physique de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue de journées d'études "1St Meeting on Monte Carlo Simulations in Radiation Physics" , le 31 octobre 2018, au niveau de l'auditorium Nait Belkacem, site El BEZ. |
1St Meeting on Monte Carlo Simulations in Radiation Physics
October 31, 2018 – November 1, 2018Overview
Mission: the purpose of the meeting is to supply an opportunity of scientific discussions and detailed reports on the use of Monte Carlo radiation transport codes.  We believe that the first 1St Meeting on Monte Carlo Simulations in Radiation Physics - MCSRP_2018 will be founded through the combined efforts of our speakers. Other colleagues and researchers can join the Monte Carlo meeting group through the next meetings.
Our goal is to have a permanent meeting in Algeria for Monte Carlo experts and users.
- The Meeting ABSTACTS-BOOK is now available HERE
- The Meeting ABSTACTS-BOOK is now available HERE
1st International Conference on Electrochemical Science & Technology 1ICEST2018
ICEST 2018
November 27, 2018 – November 28, 2018New: Book of abstracts ICEST 2018 Please Click HER
Accepted abstracts list Please click HER
Ferhat ABBAS University Sétif 1, ALGERIA
Department of Engineering Processes, Faculty of Technology,
Laboratoire d’Électrochimie et Matériaux (LEM, UFA, Sétif 1)
Laboratoire d’Électrochimie des Matériaux Moléculaires et des Complexes (LEMMC, UFA, Sétif 1)
Laboratoire de Chimie, Ingénierie des Matériaux et Nanostructures (LCIMN, UFA, Sétif 1)
Laboratoire d'Electrochimie, d'Ingénierie Moléculaire et de Catalyse Rédox (LEIMCR, UFA, Sétif 1)
Laboratoire d’Energétique et d’Electrochimie du Solide (LEES, UFA, Sétif 1)
Laboratoire Croissance et Caractérisation de Nouveaux Semiconducteurs (LCCNS, UFA, Sétif 1)
The first International Conference on Electrochemical Science and Technology
"ICEST 2018"
"Electrochemistry in the center of development"
Electrochemistry is a discipline of a wide scientific and technological interest. Scientifically, it explores the electrical properties of materials and especially the interfaces between different kinds of matter. Electrochemistry as discipline is largely applied in our daily life.
A lot of materials are elaborated by electrochemical methods. The batteries used for power supply of vehicles, solar panels and others devices are the products of electrochemical technology. Other domains in which Electrochemistry as science plays a crucial role include corrosion, water purification, neurophysiology, sensors, energy storage, semiconductors, biomedical analysis, and so on.
The ICEST 2018: 1st International Conference on Electrochemical Science and Technology aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Electrochemistry science and industrial electrochemical processes.
For the first time in Algeria we will organize an international conference on the relationship between electrochemistry and technology in several fields.
The aim of the "ICEST 2018"conference is to bring together international experts, scholars, policy makers, industrialists, etc.
For a large discussion on actual and cutting-edge research in electrochemical science, innovation and energy development. This conference will also provide a golden opportunity to meet experts and develop new collaborations on the fundamentals, applications and products from various fields such as: materials and energy storage, renewable energy systems, electrochemistry innovations, etc.
To Down load the accepted abstracts list please click HER
ICEST 2018's Location
All activities of the ICEST 2018 will take place at Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 University, El-Bez campus, Sétif, Algeria.
Deuxième Workshop sur les Equations aux Dérivées Partielles Non Linéaires et Applications WEDP2018
25 et 26 Novembre 2018 | Le Département de Mathématiques de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue du deuxième Workshop sur les Equations aux Dérivées Partielles Non Linéaires et Applications WEDP'18 , les 25 et 26 Novembre 2018. |
- December 30, 2018 – December 31, 2018
Nouvelles Avancée en Sécurite des Systemes d'Information(LoT et e-santé)
19 NOVEMBRE 2018 | La Faculté des Sciences de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravie de vous informer de la tenue de la 1ère journée internationale d'études "Nouvelles Avancée en Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information(LoT et e-santé)" , le 19 Novembre 2018, au niveau de l'auditorium Nait Belkacem, site El BEZ. |
- November 19, 2018 – November 20, 2018
3ème colloque international d'optométrie
06 DECEMBRE 2022 | L'institut d'optique et mécanique de précision de l'université Sétif 1, a l'honneur d'organiser le 3ème colloque international d'optométrie, le 06 DECEMBRE 2022, au niveau de l'auditorium Salah KARMI, site El Maabouda. |
- November 12, 2018 – November 13, 2018
The 2018 International Conference on industrials Metrology & Maintenance (ICIMM'2018)
28-29 OCTOBRE 2018 | L'Institut d'Optique et Mécanique de Précision IOMP de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue d'une conférence internationale "International Conference on Industrial Metrology & Maintenance 2018" , les 28-29 Octobre 2018 au niveau de l'Auditorium Salah Karmi Campus El Maabouda. |
The 2018 International Conference on industrials Metrology & Maintenance (ICIMM’2018)
October 28, 2018 – October 29, 2018Ferhat ABBAS Sétif1 University
Institut  d'Optique et Mécanique de Précision IOMP
Organize an International Conference
The 2018 first International Conference on industrials metrology and maintenance will be held October 28-29 th,2018 at Ferhat ABBAS Setif1 University ,Algeria.
This first metrology and maintenance conference will bring together academics and industrials from all over the world .
The aim of the conference is to provide an international forum for experts to promote, share, and discuss various issues and development in the field
The ICIMM2018 Program is now availibale her
welcome to all of you
Semaine Mondiale de l'Entreprenariat 2018
- November 15, 2018 – November 26, 2018
3ème Edition: Histoire des Sciences et des Mathématiques
25 Octobre 2018 | Le Département de Mathématique de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue de journées d'études "3éme Edition: Histoire des Sciences et des Mathématiques" , le 25 Octobre 2018, au niveau de l'auditorium Nait Belkacem, site El BEZ. |
- October 17, 2018 – October 17, 2018
Journée d'études "Mise en valeur des éspaces verts dans la ville de Sétif : projet Tramway"
16 AVRIL 2018 Reporté au 04 juin 2018 | La Faculté Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravie de vous informer de la tenue d'une journée d'études "Mise en valeur des éspaces verts dans la ville de Sétif : projet Tramway" , le 16 Avril 2018 Reportée au 04 juin 2018 , au niveau de la Faculté SNV, site El BEZ. |
Séminaire "Collision des particules chargées avec des cibles coléculaires"
24-26 Septembre 2018 | Le Département de Physique de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue d'un Séminaire "Collision des particules chargées avec des cibles coléculaires" , les 24,25 et 26 Septembre 2018, au niveau de l'auditorium Nait Belkacem, site El BEZ |
- September 24, 2018 – September 26, 2018
Math-Days On Differential Equations, Theory Methods and Applications
April 9-10, 2018 | The Department of Mathematics of Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 University has a great pleasure to inform you that the Math-Days On Differential Equations, Theory Methods and Applications will take place at Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 University , during the days April 9-10, 2018. |
Site des anciens de l'UFAS1
26 AVRIL 2018 | L'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravie de vous informer de la mise en place du projet de rassembler les anciens de l'ufas1. |
1er Congrés International sur la Prévention et le Dépistage du Cancer
22-23 Juin 2018 | le laboratoire Santé Environnement des Hauts Plateaux Sétifiens, la Faculté de Médecine de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue d'un Congrés International "1er Congrés International sur la Prévention et le Dépistage du Cancer" , les 23-23 Juin 2018 au niveau de l'auditorium Nait BELKACEM, site El BEZ. |
Summer school 2017
July 23 to July 27, 2017 | In order to introduce the student community to the realities of creating businesses and enable it to develop its entrepreneurial potentials, Ferhat Abbas Sétif University 1 and ANSEJ's Branch of Sétif are launching the first edition of Summer University for students as a training of one week animated by experts. |
- June 16, 2019 – June 20, 2019
- June 24, 2018 – June 28, 2018
20-21 JUIN 2018 | L'Institut d'Optique et de Mécanique de Précision de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue de la journée internationale de la Lumiére 2018 , au niveau de l'auditorium Saleh KERMI, site El Maabouda. |
- June 20, 2018 – June 21, 2018
Journées d'étude "Les Rayonnements et l'Environnement"
18 AVRIL2018 | Le Département de physique de la Faculté des Sciences de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue de journées d'études "Les Rayonnements et l'Environnement" , au niveau de l'auditorium Nait Belkacem, site El BEZ |
02-03 MAI 2018 | La Faculté des Sciences Economiques et des Sciences de la Gestion de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravie de vous informer de la tenue d'une Manifestation internationale "Tendances actuelles en marketing: état actuel, défis, et prospectives futures" , les 02-03 Mai 2018, au niveau de la Faculté SECSG, site El BEZ. |
24 au 26 AVRIL 2018 | L'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravie de vous informer de la Célébration de la 2eme semaine de la propriété industrielle et la journée mondiale de la propriété Intellectuelle sous le théme "Innovation et créativité: les femmes, moteur de changement" , du 24 au 26 Avril 2018. |
- April 24, 2018 – April 26, 2018
40 ème Anniversaire
22 au 27 AVRIL 2018 | L'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravie de vous informer de la Célébration du 40éme anniversaire sous l'embléme "Université Socialement Responsable", la semaine du 22 au 27 Avril 2018. |
07 MAI 2018 | La Faculté des Sciences Economiques, Commerciales et Sciences de la Gestion de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravie de vous informer de la tenue d'une Manifestation nationale "Réle de la compétence des politiques économiques dans la gestion des crises : Vers le développement économique" , le 07 Mai 2018, au niveau de la Faculté FSECSG, site El BEZ. |
4ème édition des journées « Architecture au féminin »: « Le design au féminin»
March 5, 2023 – March 5, 2023
16-17 MARS 2018 | l'Institut d'Architecture et des Sciences de la Terre de l'Université Ferhat ABBAS Sétif 1 est ravi de vous informer de la tenue de "l'Ecole de Printemps de Psychpédagogie" , les 16-17 MARS 2018, au niveau de l'Institut d'Architecture et des Sciences de la Terre, site El BEZ. |
EAME 2017
27 Novembre 2017 | Emerging Materials Research Unit |
- November 27, 2018 – November 27, 2018
- November 27, 2017 – November 28, 2017
November 5-6th, 2017 | International interdisciplinary conference: "Territorial Creativity, an issue for sustainable degree programs?" to be organized by UFAS1 in partnership with the CHCSC (UVSQ Paris-Saclay) and Charles Cros Institute (France). |
- November 5, 2017 – November 6, 2017
October 26, 2017 | Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 University is organizing a Study Day on Teaching the History of Science and Mathematics. |
22 December 2017 | Ferhat Abbas Setif 1 University organizes the First International Meeting on Endo-Urology. |
October 15, 2017 | The Faculty of Science at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF UNIVERSITY 1 is organizing in collaboration with SETIF CANCER CENTER.The 3rd International Study Day on Medical Physics – Sétif: Radiotherapy, Imaging and Nuclear Medicine. The event will be held at MOULOUD KACEM NAIT BELKACEM Auditorium. Website: Email:
Facebook : |
First International Workshop On Chemical Engineering(IWCE’17)
December 2, 2017 – December 3, 2017The IWCE’17 is the first edition of the International Workshop on Chemical Engineering. It will be held at FERHAT ABBAS University Setif-1, Setif, Algeria.
This first edition is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor DJELLOULI Brahim, an ex-member of our Department and ex head of the Laboratory of Engineering Chemical Processes. The Chemical engineering is a multidisciplinary field of applied engineering. It is an application of the physical science (Chemistry & Physics), life sciences including biochemistry with applied mathematics and economics. it is, simply, the applied engineering dealing with the production process of chemical and biochemical products.
For better use, please register (creat an account) on this system before using the submission procedure.
The conference 'Call of Paper' in word format
Down load the submission guide
Dear Abstract proposers
The Organizing committee of IWCE 2017 would like to thank all the people that submitted an abstract to take part in this workshop. We have received over 500 abstract proposals. It is therefore impossible to give a positive answer to all of you and this for organisational reasons, the workshop only lasts for two days, and for financial reasons. Â The scientific committee of IWCE 2017 is still processing your abstract proposals and we hope to give you an answer in a very near future. We do apologize for this delay.
For the Organizing Committee
October 15, 2017 | The Faculty of Science at FERHAT ABBAS SETIF UNIVERSITY 1 is organizing in collaboration with SETIF CANCER CENTER.The 3rd International Study Day on Medical Physics – Sétif: Radiotherapy, Imaging and Nuclear Medicine. The event will be held at MOULOUD KACEM NAIT BELKACEM Auditorium. Website: Email:
Facebook : |
8-11 October 2017 | Ferhat ABBAS University SETIF 1 is pleased to host the 3rd African Conference on Research In Chemistry Education. |
The third african conference on research in chemistry education
October 8, 2017 – October 11, 2017Ferhat ABBAS University SETIF 1 is pleased to host
The 3rd African Conference on Research In Chemistry Education, 8-11 October 2017.
Welcome to ACRICE 2017,
The 3rd African Conference on Research in Chemistry Education
For better use of the platform, please register (creat an account)
The conference call of paper in PDF Format
"Upon the request of several colleagues from the Maghreb countries, and in order to allow more participants to attend ACRICE 2017, the deadline for Abstracts submission is reported to JUNE 30, 2017."
Welcome to all of You !
Prof. Djafer BENACHOUR
Conference Chairperson